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[OLD Kafkacat] -l flag not available . Broker: Message size too large error while trying to send the data to HELK #1

Closed randolpht closed 5 years ago

randolpht commented 5 years ago

Seeing the error "% ERROR: Failed to produce message (62261687 bytes): Broker: Message size too large" for various data-sets while trying to send the data to HELK.

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

Hey @randolpht , can you provide a few datasets that you were testing when that error showed? That will help me to do some testing with a few things I am changing on the HELK side. I will also link that to a HELK issue since it is a HELK Kafka broker issue and not the dataset provided.

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

I tested every single file and I did not get that error message. Can you please provide more information about your setup? I would like to know:

Let me know. I cannot replicate your issue. I decompressed each file and sent it over to a fresh HELK instance. I was not ingesting logs at the same time I was using kafkacat. Maybe that is different with your testing steps. Please provide more details. Thank you @randolpht 👍

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

@randolpht , Lets say you have the following:

Now just add the -d msg,broker,topic before the l argument to the command arguments to send data to HELK via kafkacat. That should set kafkacat to debug mode. Like this:

kafkacat -b -t winlogbeat -P -d msg,broker,topic -l empire_userland_schtasks_2019-03-19024742.json

Please provide the output of the files that are failing for you. thank you! 👍

randolpht commented 5 years ago

I apologize ahead of time as I am not an ELK guy :p

trevor@ubuntu:~$ kafkacat -b -t winlogbeat -P -d msg,broker,topic mordor/small_datasets/windows/discovery/account_discovery_T1087/domain_users/empire_net_user_domain_2019-03-19021158.json %7|1553814554.657|BROKER|rdkafka#producer-0| Added new broker with NodeId -1 %7|1553814554.657|TOPIC|rdkafka#producer-0| New local topic: winlogbeat %7|1553814554.657|BRKMAIN|rdkafka#producer-0| Enter main broker thread %7|1553814554.657|CONNECT|rdkafka#producer-0| broker in state INIT connecting %7|1553814554.658|CONNECTED|rdkafka#producer-0| connected to localhost:9092 %7|1553814554.658|STATE|rdkafka#producer-0| Broker changed state INIT -> UP %7|1553814554.658|SEND|rdkafka#producer-0| Sent 1 bufs %7|1553814554.658|SEND|rdkafka#producer-0| Sent 0 bufs %7|1553814554.660|BROKER|rdkafka#producer-0| Added new broker with NodeId 1 %7|1553814554.660|STATE|rdkafka#producer-0| Topic winlogbeat changed state unknown -> exists %7|1553814554.660|PARTCNT|rdkafka#producer-0| Topic winlogbeat partition count changed from 0 to 1 %7|1553814554.660|BRKDELGT|rdkafka#producer-0| Broker is now leader for topic winlogbeat [0] with 0 messages (0 bytes) queued %7|1553814554.660|PARTCNT|rdkafka#producer-0| Partitioning 1 unassigned messages in topic winlogbeat to 1 partitions %7|1553814554.660|UAS|rdkafka#producer-0| 1/1 messages were partitioned in topic winlogbeat %7|1553814554.660|BRKMAIN|rdkafka#producer-0| Enter main broker thread %7|1553814554.660|CONNECT|rdkafka#producer-0| broker in state INIT connecting %7|1553814554.671|CONNECTED|rdkafka#producer-0| connected to %7|1553814554.671|STATE|rdkafka#producer-0| Broker changed state INIT -> UP %7|1553814554.673|PRODUCE|rdkafka#producer-0| produce messageset with 1 messages (3554789 bytes) %7|1553814554.676|PARTCNT|rdkafka#producer-0| No change in partition count for topic winlogbeat %7|1553814554.676|TOPICUPD|rdkafka#producer-0| No leader change for topic winlogbeat [0] with leader 1 %7|1553814554.678|SEND|rdkafka#producer-0| Sent 1 bufs %7|1553814554.678|SEND|rdkafka#producer-0| Sent 0 bufs %7|1553814554.679|MSGSET|rdkafka#producer-0| MessageSet with 1 message(s) delivered %7|1553814554.679|MSGSET|rdkafka#producer-0| MessageSet with 1 message(s) encountered error: Broker: Message size too large % Delivery failed for message: Broker: Message size too large %7|1553814554.679|BROKERFAIL|rdkafka#producer-0| failed: err: Local: Broker handle destroyed: (errno: Interrupted system call) %7|1553814554.679|STATE|rdkafka#producer-0| Broker changed state UP -> DOWN %7|1553814554.679|BROKERFAIL|rdkafka#producer-0| failed: err: Local: Broker handle destroyed: (errno: Interrupted system call) %7|1553814554.679|STATE|rdkafka#producer-0| Broker changed state UP -> DOWN %7|1553814554.679|BRKTP|rdkafka#producer-0| Undelegating winlogbeat [0] %7|1553814554.679|BRKDELGT|rdkafka#producer-0| Broker no longer leader for topic winlogbeat [0] %7|1553814554.679|BRKDELGT|rdkafka#producer-0| No broker is leader for topic winlogbeat [0

Also another side note, I have issues when I try to use the -l flag. Looking at the help pages for kafakacat, I do not see a -l flag.

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

what version of Kafkacat are you running? This is mine:

Usage: kafkacat <options> [file1 file2 .. | topic1 topic2 ..]]
kafkacat - Apache Kafka producer and consumer tool
Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Magnus Edenhill
Version 1.3.1 (JSON) (librdkafka 0.11.6 builtin.features=gzip,snappy,ssl,sasl,regex,lz4,sasl_gssapi,sasl_plain,sasl_scram,plugins)

General options:
  -C | -P | -L | -Q  Mode: Consume, Produce, Metadata List, Query mode
  -G <group-id>      Mode: High-level KafkaConsumer (Kafka 0.9 balanced consumer groups)
                     Expects a list of topics to subscribe to
  -t <topic>         Topic to consume from, produce to, or list
  -p <partition>     Partition
  -b <brokers,..>    Bootstrap broker(s) (host[:port])
  -D <delim>         Message delimiter character:
                     a-z.. | \r | \n | \t | \xNN
                     Default: \n
  -E                 Do not exit on non fatal error
  -K <delim>         Key delimiter (same format as -D)
  -c <cnt>           Limit message count
  -X list            List available librdkafka configuration properties
  -X prop=val        Set librdkafka configuration property.
                     Properties prefixed with "topic." are
                     applied as topic properties.
  -X dump            Dump configuration and exit.
  -d <dbg1,...>      Enable librdkafka debugging:
  -q                 Be quiet (verbosity set to 0)
  -v                 Increase verbosity
  -V                 Print version
  -h                 Print usage help

Producer options:
  -z snappy|gzip     Message compression. Default: none
  -p -1              Use random partitioner
  -D <delim>         Delimiter to split input into messages
  -K <delim>         Delimiter to split input key and message
  -l                 Send messages from a file separated by
                     delimiter, as with stdin.
                     (only one file allowed)
  -T                 Output sent messages to stdout, acting like tee.
  -c <cnt>           Exit after producing this number of messages
  -Z                 Send empty messages as NULL messages
  file1 file2..      Read messages from files.
                     With -l, only one file permitted.
                     Otherwise, the entire file contents will
                     be sent as one single message.

Consumer options:
  -o <offset>        Offset to start consuming from:
                     beginning | end | stored |
                     <value>  (absolute offset) |
                     -<value> (relative offset from end)
  -e                 Exit successfully when last message received
  -f <fmt..>         Output formatting string, see below.
                     Takes precedence over -D and -K.
  -J                 Output with JSON envelope
  -D <delim>         Delimiter to separate messages on output
  -K <delim>         Print message keys prefixing the message
                     with specified delimiter.
  -O                 Print message offset using -K delimiter
  -c <cnt>           Exit after consuming this number of messages
  -Z                 Print NULL messages and keys as "NULL"(instead of empty)
  -u                 Unbuffered output

Metadata options (-L):
  -t <topic>         Topic to query (optional)

Query options (-Q):
  -t <t>:<p>:<ts>    Get offset for topic <t>,
                     partition <p>, timestamp <ts>.
                     Timestamp is the number of milliseconds
                     since epoch UTC.
                     Requires broker >= and librdkafka >= 0.9.3.
                     Multiple -t .. are allowed but a partition
                     must only occur once.

Format string tokens:
  %s                 Message payload
  %S                 Message payload length (or -1 for NULL)
  %R                 Message payload length (or -1 for NULL) serialized
                     as a binary big endian 32-bit signed integer
  %k                 Message key
  %K                 Message key length (or -1 for NULL)
  %T                 Message timestamp (milliseconds since epoch UTC)
  %t                 Topic
  %p                 Partition
  %o                 Message offset
  \n \r \t           Newlines, tab
  \xXX \xNNN         Any ASCII character
  -f 'Topic %t [%p] at offset %o: key %k: %s\n'

Consumer mode (writes messages to stdout):
  kafkacat -b <broker> -t <topic> -p <partition>
  kafkacat -C -b ...

High-level KafkaConsumer mode:
  kafkacat -b <broker> -G <group-id> topic1 top2 ^aregex\d+

Producer mode (reads messages from stdin):
  ... | kafkacat -b <broker> -t <topic> -p <partition>
  kafkacat -P -b ...

Metadata listing:
  kafkacat -L -b <broker> [-t <topic>]

Query offset by timestamp:
  kafkacat -Q -b broker -t <topic>:<partition>:<timestamp>
Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

so you are not using the -l flag then? I see you are sending the whole file right?

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

thats what it is I believe let me try without the -l flag.

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

yup thats what it is

robertos-mbp:registry_run_keys_startup_folder_T1060 wardog$ kafkacat -b -t winlogbeat -P -d all empire_userland_schtasks_2019-03-19024742.json 
%7|1553815032.355|WAKEUPFD|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:app]: Enabled low-latency partition queue wake-ups
%7|1553815032.355|BRKMAIN|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd::0/internal]: :0/internal: Enter main broker thread
%7|1553815032.355|WAKEUPFD|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:app]: Enabled low-latency ops queue wake-ups
%7|1553815032.355|STATE|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd::0/internal]: :0/internal: Broker changed state INIT -> UP
%7|1553815032.355|BROADCAST|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd::0/internal]: Broadcasting state change
%7|1553815032.355|BROKER|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:app]: Added new broker with NodeId -1
%7|1553815032.355|INIT|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:app]: librdkafka v0.11.6 (0xb06ff) rdkafka#producer-1 initialized (builtin.features 0xffff, debug 0xffff)
%7|1553815032.355|BRKMAIN|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:]: Enter main broker thread
%7|1553815032.355|CONNECT|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:]: broker in state INIT connecting
%7|1553815032.355|TOPIC|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:app]: New local topic: winlogbeat
%7|1553815032.355|TOPPARNEW|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:app]: NEW winlogbeat [-1] 0x7fcc80700c90 (at rd_kafka_topic_new0:362)
%7|1553815032.355|METADATA|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:app]: Skipping metadata refresh of 1 topic(s): no usable brokers
% ERROR: Failed to produce message (4916235 bytes): Broker: Message size too large
robertos-mbp:registry_run_keys_startup_folder_T1060 wardog$ 
Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

how did you install kafkacat?

randolpht commented 5 years ago

apt-get install kafkacat

Below is my version Usage: kafkacat [file1 file2 ..] kafkacat - Apache Kafka producer and consumer tool https://github.com/edenhill/kafkacat Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Magnus Edenhill Version KAFKACAT_VERSION (JSON) (librdkafka 0.8.6)

General options: -C | -P | -L Mode: Consume, Produce or metadata List -t Topic to consume from, produce to, or list -p Partition -b <brokers,..> Bootstrap broker(s) (host[:port]) -D Message delimiter character: a-z.. | \r | \n | \t | \xNN Default: \n -K Key delimiter (same format as -D) -c Limit message count -X list List available librdkafka configuration properties -X prop=val Set librdkafka configuration property. Properties prefixed with "topic." are applied as topic properties. -X dump Dump configuration and exit. -d <dbg1,...> Enable librdkafka debugging: all,generic,broker,topic,metadata,producer,queue,msg,protocol -q Be quiet (verbosity set to 0) -v Increase verbosity

Producer options: -z snappy|gzip Message compression. Default: none -p -1 Use random partitioner -D Delimiter to split input into messages -K Delimiter to split input key and message -T Output sent messages to stdout, acting like tee. -c Exit after producing this number of messages -Z Send empty messages as NULL messages file1 file2.. Read messages from files. The entire file contents will be sent as one single message.

Consumer options: -o Offset to start consuming from: beginning | end | stored |

(absolute offset) | - (relative offset from end) -e Exit successfully when last message received -f Output formatting string, see below. Takes precedence over -D and -K. -J Output with JSON envelope -D Delimiter to separate messages on output -K Print message keys prefixing the message with specified delimiter. -O Print message offset using -K delimiter -c Exit after consuming this number of messages -Z Print NULL messages and keys as "NULL"(instead of empty) -u Unbuffered output Metadata options: -t Topic to query (optional) Format string tokens: %s Message payload %S Message payload length (or -1 for NULL) %k Message key %K Message key length (or -1 for NULL) %t Topic %p Partition %o Message offset \n \r \t Newlines, tab \xXX \xNNN Any ASCII character Example: -f 'Topic %t [%p] at offset %o: key %k: %s\n' Consumer mode (writes messages to stdout): kafkacat -b -t -p or: kafkacat -C -b ... Producer mode (reads messages from stdin): ... | kafkacat -b -t -p or: kafkacat -P -b ... Metadata listing: kafkacat -L -b [-t ] Just removed all 3 packages and reinstalled but still the same issue librdkafka-dev libyajl-dev kafkacat
Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

That looks like an old version to me since mine is Version 1.3.1 (JSON) (librdkafka 0.11.6. I wonder if you can install the latest version. or compile it. let me know

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

I can see what the problem is also from the versions perspective. What Debian distro are you using?

So ubuntu xenial has an old version:


Bionic has the latest one:


Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

@randolpht I found what you can do in a Xenial system or older versions where Kafkacat by default is very old:

Remove current Kafcakat sudo apt -y remove kafkacat

Download latest Debian release from github:

wget https://github.com/edenhill/kafkacat/archive/debian/1.3.1-1.tar.gz

Decompress it

tar -xzvf 1.3.1-1.tar.gz

change directory location

cd kafkacat-debian-1.3.1-1/

I needed to install the following before running ./bootstrap.sh

sudo apt-get install librdkafka-dev libyajl-dev build-essential

Now you can run ./bootstrap.sh

Once it is done, make sure you copy the new kafkacat binary from your current folder to /usr/local/bin/

sudo cp kafkacat /usr/local/bin/

Then you do kafkacat -h and you should get the following:

helk@ubuntu:~/kafkacat-debian-1.3.1-1$ kafkacat -h
Usage: kafkacat <options> [file1 file2 .. | topic1 topic2 ..]]
kafkacat - Apache Kafka producer and consumer tool
Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Magnus Edenhill
Version 1.3.1 (librdkafka 1.0.0 builtin.features=snappy,sasl,regex,lz4,sasl_plain,plugins)

General options:
  -C | -P | -L | -Q  Mode: Consume, Produce, Metadata List, Query mode
  -G <group-id>      Mode: High-level KafkaConsumer (Kafka 0.9 balanced consumer groups)
                     Expects a list of topics to subscribe to
  -t <topic>         Topic to consume from, produce to, or list
  -p <partition>     Partition
  -b <brokers,..>    Bootstrap broker(s) (host[:port])
  -D <delim>         Message delimiter character:
                     a-z.. | \r | \n | \t | \xNN
                     Default: \n
  -E                 Do not exit on non fatal error
  -K <delim>         Key delimiter (same format as -D)
  -c <cnt>           Limit message count
  -X list            List available librdkafka configuration properties
  -X prop=val        Set librdkafka configuration property.
                     Properties prefixed with "topic." are
                     applied as topic properties.
  -X dump            Dump configuration and exit.
  -d <dbg1,...>      Enable librdkafka debugging:
  -q                 Be quiet (verbosity set to 0)
  -v                 Increase verbosity
  -V                 Print version
  -h                 Print usage help

Producer options:
  -z snappy|gzip     Message compression. Default: none
  -p -1              Use random partitioner
  -D <delim>         Delimiter to split input into messages
  -K <delim>         Delimiter to split input key and message
  -l                 Send messages from a file separated by
                     delimiter, as with stdin.
                     (only one file allowed)
  -T                 Output sent messages to stdout, acting like tee.
  -c <cnt>           Exit after producing this number of messages
  -Z                 Send empty messages as NULL messages
  file1 file2..      Read messages from files.
                     With -l, only one file permitted.
                     Otherwise, the entire file contents will
                     be sent as one single message.

Consumer options:
  -o <offset>        Offset to start consuming from:
                     beginning | end | stored |
                     <value>  (absolute offset) |
                     -<value> (relative offset from end)
  -e                 Exit successfully when last message received
  -f <fmt..>         Output formatting string, see below.
                     Takes precedence over -D and -K.
  -D <delim>         Delimiter to separate messages on output
  -K <delim>         Print message keys prefixing the message
                     with specified delimiter.
  -O                 Print message offset using -K delimiter
  -c <cnt>           Exit after consuming this number of messages
  -Z                 Print NULL messages and keys as "NULL"(instead of empty)
  -u                 Unbuffered output

Metadata options (-L):
  -t <topic>         Topic to query (optional)

Query options (-Q):
  -t <t>:<p>:<ts>    Get offset for topic <t>,
                     partition <p>, timestamp <ts>.
                     Timestamp is the number of milliseconds
                     since epoch UTC.
                     Requires broker >= and librdkafka >= 0.9.3.
                     Multiple -t .. are allowed but a partition
                     must only occur once.

Format string tokens:
  %s                 Message payload
  %S                 Message payload length (or -1 for NULL)
  %R                 Message payload length (or -1 for NULL) serialized
                     as a binary big endian 32-bit signed integer
  %k                 Message key
  %K                 Message key length (or -1 for NULL)
  %T                 Message timestamp (milliseconds since epoch UTC)
  %t                 Topic
  %p                 Partition
  %o                 Message offset
  \n \r \t           Newlines, tab
  \xXX \xNNN         Any ASCII character
  -f 'Topic %t [%p] at offset %o: key %k: %s\n'

Consumer mode (writes messages to stdout):
  kafkacat -b <broker> -t <topic> -p <partition>
  kafkacat -C -b ...

High-level KafkaConsumer mode:
  kafkacat -b <broker> -G <group-id> topic1 top2 ^aregex\d+

Producer mode (reads messages from stdin):
  ... | kafkacat -b <broker> -t <topic> -p <partition>
  kafkacat -P -b ...

Metadata listing:
  kafkacat -L -b <broker> [-t <topic>]

Query offset by timestamp:
  kafkacat -Q -b broker -t <topic>:<partition>:<timestamp>

Now in my xenial where I had the default old version, I can do the following:

helk@ubuntu:~$ kafkacat -b -t winlogbeat -P -l empire_userland_registry_2019-03-19023812.json 

no error messages about -l anymore 👍

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

If for some reason your librdkafka shows an older version you can update it with confluent deb repo like this:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.confluent.io/deb/5.1 stable main"
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

That should update it to latest one as far as I know. Please try the solution above and see if you get the l flag to show.

I believe I can also recommend to install kafkacat on debian systems such as Ubuntu but with minimal suite Bionic (18.04) to avoid those issues. Thats a Kafkacat thing. I have mine in my mac and I installed it via Brew per Kafkacat install instructions. That gave me the latest version.

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

Just to recap:

@randolpht please let me know if that fixes your issue please.

randolpht commented 5 years ago


Thanks for the assistance, I went the route of just updating to the newest version of Bionic as this was just a throw away VM and am having no issues anymore. I appreciate the time you put in to tracking down the issue and hopefully it helps others who run into the issues with older builds.

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much for validating it was the Ubuntu version :) . I updated the docs because of this. Thank you for reporting it and sharing your experience with it! I hope you enjoy the project! 👍

Cyb3rWard0g commented 5 years ago

I updated this section 👍 https://mordor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/consume_mordor.html#consume-logs thank you again!