OTRF / detection-hackathon-apt29

Place for resources used during the Mordor Detection hackathon event featuring APT29 ATT&CK evals datasets
GNU General Public License v3.0
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7.A) Screen Capture, Clipboard Data, Input Capture #16

Open Cyb3rWard0g opened 4 years ago

Cyb3rWard0g commented 4 years ago


The attacker collects screenshots (T1113), data from the user’s clipboard (T1115), and keystrokes (T1056).

Cyb3rWard0g commented 4 years ago

7.A.1 Screen Capture

Detection Category (Telemetry)

Procedure: Captured and saved screenshots using PowerShell Criteria: powershell.exe executing the CopyFromScreen function from System.Drawing.dll

systemdrawingdll = spark.sql(
SELECT Image, OriginalFileName
FROM apt29Table
WHERE Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
AND EventID = 7 AND LOWER(ImageLoaded) LIKE "%drawing%"
systemdrawingdll.show(100,truncate = False, vertical = False)
Cyb3rWard0g commented 4 years ago

From PS Logs

systemdrawingdll = spark.sql(
FROM apt29Table
WHERE Channel != "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
AND LOWER(Message) LIKE "%copyfromscreen%"
systemdrawingdll.show(100,truncate = False, vertical = False)
Cyb3rWard0g commented 4 years ago

Telemetry showed powershell.exe executing CopyFromScreen from System.Drawing.dll. The event was correlated to a parent alert for Bypass User Account Control of control.exe spawning powershell.exe.


SELECT Payload
FROM apt29Host f
    SELECT d.ProcessId, d.ParentProcessId
    FROM apt29Host d
      SELECT a.ProcessGuid, a.ParentProcessGuid
      FROM apt29Host a
      INNER JOIN (
        SELECT ProcessGuid
        FROM apt29Host
        WHERE Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
            AND EventID = 1
            AND LOWER(Image) LIKE "%control.exe"
            AND LOWER(ParentImage) LIKE "%sdclt.exe"
      ) b
      ON a.ParentProcessGuid = b.ProcessGuid
      WHERE a.Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
        AND a.EventID = 1
        AND a.IntegrityLevel = "High"
    ) c
    ON d.ParentProcessGuid= c.ProcessGuid
    WHERE d.Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
      AND d.EventID = 1
      AND d.Image LIKE '%powershell.exe'
) e
ON f.ExecutionProcessID = e.ProcessId
WHERE f.Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational"
AND f.EventID = 4103
AND LOWER(f.Payload) LIKE "%copyfromscreen%"


CommandInvocation(Start-Job): "Start-Job"
ParameterBinding(Start-Job): name="Name"; value="Screenshot"
ParameterBinding(Start-Job): name="ScriptBlock"; value=" 
        Write-Host "`nJobPID`n------`n$PID"
            $RandomFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName(); 
            Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; 
            Add-type -AssemblyName System.Drawing; 
            $Screen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen; 
            $Width = $Screen.Width; 
            $Height = $Screen.Height; 
            $Left = $Screen.Left; 
            $Top = $Screen.Top; 
            $bitmap = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap $Width, $Height; 
            $graphic = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($bitmap); 
            $graphic.CopyFromScreen($Left, $Top, 0, 0, $bitmap.Size); 
            Start-Sleep -Seconds
Cyb3rWard0g commented 4 years ago

Security Logs + PowerShell Logs

SELECT Payload
FROM apt29Host f
    SELECT split(d.NewProcessId, '0x')[1] as NewProcessId
    FROM apt29Host d
      SELECT a.ProcessId, a.NewProcessId
      FROM apt29Host a
      INNER JOIN (
        SELECT NewProcessId
        FROM apt29Host
        WHERE LOWER(Channel) = "security"
            AND EventID = 4688
            AND LOWER(NewProcessName) LIKE "%control.exe"
            AND LOWER(ParentProcessName) LIKE "%sdclt.exe"
      ) b
      ON a.ProcessId = b.NewProcessId
      WHERE LOWER(a.Channel) = "security"
        AND a.EventID = 4688
        AND a.MandatoryLabel = "S-1-16-12288"
        AND a.TokenElevationType = "%%1937"
    ) c
    ON d.ProcessId = c.NewProcessId
    WHERE LOWER(d.Channel) = "security"
      AND d.EventID = 4688
      AND d.NewProcessName LIKE '%powershell.exe'
) e
ON LOWER(hex(f.ExecutionProcessID)) = e.NewProcessId
WHERE f.Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational"
AND f.EventID = 4103
AND LOWER(f.Payload) LIKE "%copyfromscreen%"
Cyb3rWard0g commented 4 years ago

7.A.2 Clipboard Data

Procedure: Captured clipboard contents using PowerShell Criteria: powershell.exe executing Get-Clipboard

Sysmon + PowerShell Logs

SELECT Message
FROM apt29Host f
    SELECT d.ProcessId, d.ParentProcessId
    FROM apt29Host d
      SELECT a.ProcessGuid, a.ParentProcessGuid
      FROM apt29Host a
      INNER JOIN (
        SELECT ProcessGuid
        FROM apt29Host
        WHERE Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
            AND EventID = 1
            AND LOWER(Image) LIKE "%control.exe"
            AND LOWER(ParentImage) LIKE "%sdclt.exe"
      ) b
      ON a.ParentProcessGuid = b.ProcessGuid
      WHERE a.Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
        AND a.EventID = 1
        AND a.IntegrityLevel = "High"
    ) c
    ON d.ParentProcessGuid= c.ProcessGuid
    WHERE d.Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
      AND d.EventID = 1
      AND d.Image LIKE '%powershell.exe'
) e
ON f.ExecutionProcessID = e.ProcessId
WHERE f.Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational"
AND f.EventID = 4103
AND LOWER(f.Payload) LIKE "%get-clipboard%"


CommandInvocation(Get-Clipboard): "Get-Clipboard"
        Severity = Informational
        Host Name = ConsoleHost
        Host Version = 5.1.18362.628
        Host ID = b802b425-c255-486e-81a2-6d10f7563af8
        Host Application = powershell.exe
        Engine Version = 5.1.18362.628
        Runspace ID = f703f141-62e0-4a88-967c-42505edb0ce4
        Pipeline ID = 21
        Command Name = Get-Clipboard
        Command Type = Cmdlet
        Script Name = 
        Command Path = 
        Sequence Number = 62
        User = DMEVALS\pbeesly
        Connected User = 
        Shell ID = Microsoft.PowerShell

Security + PowerShell Logs

SELECT Message
FROM apt29Host f
  SELECT split(d.NewProcessId, '0x')[1] as NewProcessId
  FROM apt29Host d
    SELECT a.ProcessId, a.NewProcessId
    FROM apt29Host a
      SELECT NewProcessId
      FROM apt29Host
      WHERE LOWER(Channel) = "security"
          AND EventID = 4688
          AND LOWER(NewProcessName) LIKE "%control.exe"
          AND LOWER(ParentProcessName) LIKE "%sdclt.exe"
    ) b
    ON a.ProcessId = b.NewProcessId
    WHERE LOWER(a.Channel) = "security"
      AND a.EventID = 4688
      AND a.MandatoryLabel = "S-1-16-12288"
      AND a.TokenElevationType = "%%1937"
  ) c
  ON d.ProcessId = c.NewProcessId
  WHERE LOWER(d.Channel) = "security"
    AND d.EventID = 4688
    AND d.NewProcessName LIKE '%powershell.exe'
) e
ON LOWER(hex(f.ExecutionProcessID)) = e.NewProcessId
WHERE f.Channel = "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational"
AND f.EventID = 4103
AND LOWER(f.Payload) LIKE "%get-clipboard%"


CommandInvocation(Get-Clipboard): "Get-Clipboard"
        Severity = Informational
        Host Name = ConsoleHost
        Host Version = 5.1.18362.628
        Host ID = b802b425-c255-486e-81a2-6d10f7563af8
        Host Application = powershell.exe
        Engine Version = 5.1.18362.628
        Runspace ID = f703f141-62e0-4a88-967c-42505edb0ce4
        Pipeline ID = 21
        Command Name = Get-Clipboard
        Command Type = Cmdlet
        Script Name = 
        Command Path = 
        Sequence Number = 62
        User = DMEVALS\pbeesly
        Connected User = 
        Shell ID = Microsoft.PowerShell
Cyb3rWard0g commented 4 years ago

7.A.3 Input Capture

Procedure: Captured user keystrokes using the GetAsyncKeyState API Criteria: powershell.exe executing the GetAsyncKeyState API