OU-CS-Capstone-2024 / NOTAMyWatch

Group Capstone project at the University of Oklahoma. Project consists of creating an app that will more effectively warn pilots about airspace hazards. Using the FAA API for NOTAMs.
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Create algorithm for filtering NOTAMS by coordinates(area). #21

Closed JmzCS50 closed 6 months ago

JmzCS50 commented 6 months ago

The algorithm is done and is in coordinate_filtering. Needs testing and automation with real data.

One script translates NOTAM data into mappable geoJson data. (around 70% of NOTAMS can get plotted due to the inconsistent nature of how the NOTAM radius / location is given in the NOTAM) .

After its plotted there is another script that can plot it on the US map. The next script takes in 4 coordinates for a polygon and has methods t do whatever we want with whats inside the area and whats outside. for testing, i just paint NOTAMS green if they are inside and red if outside of the polygon.