OU-CS-Capstone-2024 / NOTAMyWatch

Group Capstone project at the University of Oklahoma. Project consists of creating an app that will more effectively warn pilots about airspace hazards. Using the FAA API for NOTAMs.
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add setup.py for easy access to project dependencies #55

Closed Gabrieldowen closed 5 months ago

Gabrieldowen commented 6 months ago

41 This is so you dont have to go install each dependency one by one. Now you can just run 'python3 setup.py install' as stated in the readme. Please let me know if I missed one.

emilyridge commented 6 months ago

Are these all the libraries you have to run pip install for? If yes, I think you might need to add: time, tk, requests, datetime, pytz

JmzCS50 commented 6 months ago

The find_packages() should also automatically include all Python packages that we import.

Gabrieldowen commented 6 months ago

I did not realize install_dependencies did this same thing...

DavidRamirezz commented 6 months ago

Yeah, I did this at the end of my pull request titled "Loading Animation/User Input Now Required". Did it since we had a little talk about it at the end of that week's Tuesday meeting and I was the one with a pull req already ready to merge. The dependencies from then were listed and added to requirements.txt and running installDependencies.py installs all of those dependencies. One can add more dependencies by adding it to the list in the requirements.txt file. Although, I did forget to edit the README file.