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Budget Kernel Perceptron #11

Closed robinjanette closed 4 years ago

robinjanette commented 4 years ago

I believe I have finished the Haskell driver for the Budget Kernel Perceptron. To run the Budget Kernel Perceptron, run make in the root directory then ghc KPerceptronBudgetTest.hs -XTypeSynonymnInstances to create the executable. I had to add the compile flag to create a Show instance for Ordinals.

I also updated the .gitignore for the hs/ directory so all Haskell object files and executables are ignored.

Please let me know of any issues.

bagnalla commented 4 years ago

I think you can add {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} to the top of the file to obviate the need for the compiler flag.

robinjanette commented 4 years ago

This morning I started looking at whether I could take out the ordinal values from the entire Budget implementation, and after replacing the ordinal checks with comparing the float32_arr's directly, I was able to strip m from the generalization bound and update the Haskell driver code to match. Please take another look and let me know of any additional changes that should be made.