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The OVAL Language Schemas
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FOR REVIEW: Revert the <rpmverifyfile_object> minOccurs='1' and <rpmverifypackage_object> minOccurs='1' change for epoch, version, release, and arch entities introduced in 5.10.1 OVAL language version #238

Closed iankko closed 5 years ago

iankko commented 9 years ago

Based on:     [1] http://making-security-measurable.1364806.n2.nabble.com/Issues-with-the-linux-def-rpmverifyfile-test-and-linux-def-rpmverifypackage-test-in-OVAL-5-10-td7055684.html

and upstream ticket:     [2] http://oval.mitre.org/language/version5.10.1/#32680

the OVAL 5.10.1 version of the OVAL language:     [3] https://oval.mitre.org/language/version5.10.1/ovaldefinition/documentation/linux-definitions-schema.html#rpmverifyfile_object

introduced the requirement 'MinOccurs=1' for epoch, version, release, and arch entities. Similarly for rpmverifypackage_object:     [4] https://oval.mitre.org/language/version5.10.1/ovaldefinition/documentation/linux-definitions-schema.html#rpmverifypackage_object

the MinOccurs=1 requirement has been introduced for epoch, version, release, and arch entities [*]

The justification for this change was (from [1]): When we looked into this issue, we also discovered that the name, epoch, version, release, and arch entities in the rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object have a minOccurs="0" rather than a minOccurs="1" like every other object entity. While this does not impact the functionality of the language, it does open the opportunity for content authors to create rpmverifyfile_objects and rpmverifypackage_objects without any entities. This could result in tools behaving unexpectedly if they are expecting those entities to be there.

While the change introduced in 5.10.1 via ticket [2] might solve the 'unexpected tools behavior' the introduced change makes the generated OVAL 5.10 vs OVAL 5.10.1 up to OVAL 5.11 incompatible (meaning the epoch, version, release, and arch entities are now required elements for rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object objects.

Under the requirement to provide OVAL content that would work on both versions, the solution seems to be to add all of the aforementioned elements for each already defined rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object objects already used in the content (this way it seems to provide content compatible / valid with both versions.

But since the existing OVAL content might in wide way utilize the rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object objects, to convert the content to be supported on both OVAL language versions will be a non-trivial task.

Therefore we propose to revert the change introduced in OVAL 5.10.1 version of the OVAL language and in the upcoming minor version of the OVAL language (OVAL 5.11.1) to return back to the state where epoch, version, release, and arch entities of the rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object would require the value of MinOccurs attribute to be set to '0'.

Please review the proposal.

Thank you && Regards, Jan Lieskovsky

[*] Compare the output 5.10.1 output for both objects with the output from OVAL 5.10 version:

to compare the differences in the required value of MinOccurs attribute.

P.S.: Please let me know if the change implementation in the schema is required for this proposal to be applied for consideration.

iankko commented 9 years ago

Requests to Modify Existing OVAL Constructs

What construct needs to be modified?

rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object from linux-definitions-schema.xsd schema file. More exactly the MinOccurs='1' attributes of epoch, version, release, and arch entities of these objects.

Why does it need to be modified (e.g. missing or ambiguous documentation, datatype does not match the value, incorrect minimum/maximum occurrences, etc.)?

In the case OVAL content attempts to inspect more than one RPM package objects (IOW ^.*$ pattern is used in the filepath entity) it's not possible to construct rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object objects without omitting the epoch, version, release, and arch entities (like it was possible in e.g. OVAL language 5.10 version).

This introduces OVAL content compatibility issues in the case particular OVAL content needs to be supported on multiple OVAL language versions.

Does it break backwards compatibility with previous versions of the OVAL Language?

Yes. In OVAL language X <= 5.10 version the MinOccurs= attribute value requirement was defined to '0' (zero) for epoch, version, release, and arch entities of rpmverifyfile_object and rpmverifypackage_object objects.

If so, should it be considered under the Exceptions clause of the OVAL Language Versioning Methodology? Please see OVAL Language Versioning Methodology for more information.


Present the improvements

With the change from http://oval.mitre.org/language/version5.10.1/#32680 being reverted it will be possible to maintain OVAL content supported on different OVAL language versions without significant changes required to be performed to the content of the form of OVAL 5.10 language version.

Revised or additional documentation

We have considered also other options:

since the extended_name entity would be preserved.

Describe changes to the schema

See reply to the What construct needs to be modified? question above.

OPTIONAL: Implementing the changes in the schema is recommended, but not required.

Schema implementation changes draft can be provided if found to be required.

zport commented 5 years ago

Issue moved to OVAL-Community/OVAL #37 via ZenHub