OVALProject / Sandbox

The OVAL Language Sandbox
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Create x-android-4_2_2-a17-system-characteristics.xsd #82

Open SRIBsrikanth opened 11 years ago

SRIBsrikanth commented 11 years ago

Hi, We are from Samsung Research India Bangalore(SRI-B). We have taken x-android-system-characteristics.XSD as base, and added new system characteristics items for Androidv4.2.2, corresponding to the definitions XSD x-android-4_2_2-a17-definitions.xsd

In attached content, our tests start from line:537(). Please check the new tests, if these tests are accepted the corresponding tests shall be updated in x-android-system-characteristics.xsd of the main branch.

the new system characteristics items are introduced for the below tests: Active admin test Application permission test Connectivity test Keyguard test Locale test Session initiation protocol(SIP) test Telephony test

Please review and do the needful.