OWASP BLT is a bug logging tool to report issues and get points, organizations are held accountable.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
131 stars 132 forks source link

Sarthak GSoC 2024 #2071

Open DonnieBLT opened 4 months ago

DonnieBLT commented 4 months ago

GitHub Issues

Project 1: Slack Bot Development and Repository Classification

  1. Cache the Scraped Project Metadata

    • [x] Task completed on 29-05-24.
  2. Create a flow to classify repositories based on technologies and events

    • [x] #2174
    • [x] #2175
    • [ ] #2176
  3. Develop code to cache metadata using criteria like goals and technologies

    • [x] #2177
    • [x] #2178
    • [x] #2179
  4. Using Slack Bot for Weekly Contribution Report

    • [x] #2180
    • [x] #2181
    • [ ] #2182
  5. Adding Commands to Bot

    • [ ] #2183
    • [ ] #2184
  6. Integration of AI in Slack Bot

    • [x] #2185
    • [x] #2186
    • [ ] #2187

Project 2: GPT Model for Bug Report Labelling and Verification

  1. Making a Dataset

    • [x] #2188
    • [x] #2189
    • [x] #2191
    • [x] #2190
  2. Training GPT Model and Integrating with Website

    • [x] #2192
    • [x] #2193
    • [x] #2194

Project 3: Integration of Bacon Cryptocurrency

  1. Establishing a Blockchain

    • [ ] #2195
    • [ ] #2196
    • [ ] #2197
    • [ ] #2198
  2. Setup Crypto using Peercoin

    • [ ] #2199
    • [x] #2200
    • [x] #2201
    • [ ] #2202
  3. Development of BACON Cryptocurrency Reward System for Bug Reports

    • [ ] #2203
    • [ ] #2204
    • [ ] #2205

Project 4: Email Bug Reports to Companies

  1. Weekly Report Automation
    • [ ] #2206
    • [x] #2207
    • [x] #2208

Project 5: Testing and Documentation

  1. Testing Phase

    • [ ] #2209
    • [ ] #2210
  2. Documentation

    • [ ] #2211
    • [ ] #2212

Project Timeline

  1. Pre-GSOC Period:
    • Research and PoC for private blockchain setup.
  2. Community Bonding (May 1 - May 26):
    • UI Design improvement and mentor feedback.
  3. Phase 1 (May 27 - July 11):
    • Slack Bot Enhancement
    • GPT Model for Bug Report Labelling and Verification
  4. Phase 2 (July 12 - Aug 19):
    • Integration of Bacon Cryptocurrency
    • Email Bug Reports to Companies
    • Testing and documentation.
Sarthak5598 commented 3 months ago


Sarthak5598 commented 3 months ago

Made another Slack-Bot personalized for BLT

Made 2 PRs related to P1T2 Using Slack Bot for Weekly Contribution Report

Sarthak5598 commented 3 months ago

Worked on BLT-Sammich Bot , added the contributor stat functionality Also used chatgpt to make a 2000+ dataset csv file for different bug labels