OWASP-Benchmark / BenchmarkUtils

OWASP Benchmark Project Utilities - Provides scorecard generation and crawling tools for Benchmark style test suites.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mend reader #34

Closed darkspirit510 closed 1 year ago

darkspirit510 commented 1 year ago

As discussed via mail ✉️

davewichers commented 1 year ago

Hey, WhiteSource was rebranded to be Mend. Did you look at the WhiteSource reader and see if it could be adapted, rather than adding a whole new one? If we can adapt/rename it, then it can hopefully still support the old WhiteSource format and the 'new?' Mend format without having two different readers. Xanitizer was bought by WhiteSource and now they are Mend so there are 3 different tools in this 'family'. It looks like we don't have a WhiteSource specific reader so you'll have to look at the Xanitizer reader to see if can be adopted to work. It's certainly possible the current Mend format is completely different. Let me know what you find out.

davewichers commented 1 year ago

@darkspirit510 - do you think you'll get a chance to look into this anytime soon?

davewichers commented 1 year ago

@darkspirit510 - If you researched, can you post your questions/research here? If you sent me emails about it directly, it's too easy to get lost/overlooked, so please post here if you did.

darkspirit510 commented 1 year ago

@darkspirit510 as requested, from my mail:

From what I can see (comparing MendReader and XanitizerReader), Mend and Xanitizer result files seems to be completly different, so no chance of merging them to one reader. Since I don't have access to a Xanitizer result file, I can't check this assumption.

davewichers commented 1 year ago

@darkspirit510 - Xanitizer is super old. I think we should actually drop/delete that one and replace it with this new one. Can you implement that removal in this pull request? Other than that, do you think the new Mend Reader is ready to go? If so, I'll merge once you include the Xanitizer removal.

darkspirit510 commented 1 year ago
Xanitizer is super old. I think we should actually drop/delete that one and replace it with this new one. Can you implement that removal in this pull request?


Other than that, do you think the new Mend Reader is ready to go?

Yes (at least the file I got hands on can be parsed without errors and results in a non-zero scorecard)