OWASP-Benchmark / BenchmarkUtils

OWASP Benchmark Project Utilities - Provides scorecard generation and crawling tools for Benchmark style test suites.
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Update CodeQLReader.java to handle current CodeQL CLI Output. #45

Closed ncouraud closed 1 year ago

ncouraud commented 1 year ago

This involves moving rules detection from the rules array that is on the tool.driver object to parsing the rules run from executed CodeQL query packs in the tool.extensions Array.

I think this might break LGTM generated SARIF, though I believe that is no longer supported. This should work for SARIF generated by CodeQL using the latest CLI bits.

Tested using CodeQL 2.12.2

davewichers commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the contribution. Can you provide some test results that include these new rule types so we can test your changes? You can just email to: dave.wichers@owasp.org.

Also, please fix this compilation error:

Error: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.11.0:compile (default-compile) on project benchmarkutils-maven-plugin: Compilation failure 10641 Error: /home/runner/work/BenchmarkUtils/BenchmarkUtils/plugin/src/main/java/org/owasp/benchmarkutils/score/parsers/CodeQLReader.java:[99,67] error: cannot find symbol 10642 Error: symbol: variable rulesUsed 10643 Error: location: class CodeQLReader

davewichers commented 1 year ago

@ncouraud - Are you going to address the issues I've pointed out and provide us with test data to verify the changes?

ncouraud commented 1 year ago

@davewichers - apologies, have gotten a bit sidetracked lately. Java is not my forte, but I think the NullReference that I created should be fixed. I'm working on forking & reproducing the run I have against the BenchmarkJava Suite. I'll include at least a link to that Actions run, if not the results shortly.

ncouraud commented 1 year ago

SARIF Output for Java/JS should be here - that should feed into the benchmark util nicely: https://github.com/ncouraud/BenchmarkJava/actions/runs/4992456768

davewichers commented 1 year ago

@darkspirit510 - Sascha - You OK with these changes? I agree I should merge?

darkspirit510 commented 1 year ago

@ncouraud Do you have access to an old result file? If yes, could you add a simplified test for both old and new result file? If not, could you at least add a test for the new file format? If in doubt, send me a result file to github@darkspirit510.de and I'll create a test for you 😉

@davewichers the code change looks fine, but since someone (@ncouraud) touched the code, there should be a test, if possible.

davewichers commented 1 year ago

@ncouraud - Can you address @darkspirit510's comment? Or provide him with the results file(s) so he can create test cases?

ncouraud commented 1 year ago

I don't have the original output that the CodeQLReader class was authored against, apologies.

That said, I've authored a test that emulates the others, along with a mocked SARIF file that should give a base to model against.

ncouraud commented 1 year ago

Actually - based on a chat with some colleagues - I think there is a couple more edge cases I would like to handle here - I'll fix that and add some more tests- please hold off on merging this for now. Apologies!

ncouraud commented 1 year ago

ok I reworked it to be a more conservative change - I think that I actually prefer this. It turns out that there are multiple paths to get rules into the tool, and the rules can show up in either place.

@darkspirit510 - I added tests to cover both cases in a single test suite - happy to factor it out if need be.

One additional thing that I did not handle, but could if you'd like me to - is deduping the resultant rules array when pulling from both potential locations. I don't know if this is possible today, but I can't rule it out.

davewichers commented 1 year ago

@darkspirit510 - Let me know what you think about this with these latest updates.