OWASP-Benchmark / BenchmarkUtils

OWASP Benchmark Project Utilities - Provides scorecard generation and crawling tools for Benchmark style test suites.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fix WebInspectReader.java #47

Closed tree-chtsec closed 1 year ago

tree-chtsec commented 1 year ago

return TestCaseResult instance at the end of parseWebInspectIssue()

davewichers commented 1 year ago

While you are correct there is a bug, your fix isn't correct. If you look at this: https://github.com/OWASP-Benchmark/BenchmarkUtils/commit/b209bf7f172f8b4aa155330a84b600bb99975990 you'll see that for other readers, there is a return tcr; inside the if block. But the recent changes forgot to add the return tcr to that block for this parser. Please revert the return null, and add a new return tcr; at the end of the if block right above. Thanks, Dave

tree-chtsec commented 1 year ago

You are right. It should return null if the url didn't match the test case. Thanks