Application Security Verification Standard
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Lack of Coverage for SAML Attacks in ASVS #1738

Open ImanSharaf opened 11 months ago

ImanSharaf commented 11 months ago

While reviewing the current version of the ASVS, I've noticed a potential gap in coverage related to SAML attacks. Considering the adoption of SAML for identity federation and single sign-on in enterprise environments, it's important to provide adequate coverage for potential SAML vulnerabilities and attacks.

Specifically, some of the SAML-based attacks that appear to be missing or not thoroughly covered include:

It would be beneficial for the community if the ASVS could provide more detailed guidance on testing, mitigating, and verifying the security of SAML implementations.

jmanico commented 11 months ago

SAML is so old school I politely suggest we drop it and focus on OIDC instead.

ImanSharaf commented 11 months ago

Thank you for sharing your perspective. I concur with your viewpoint on this matter. While I acknowledge the evolving landscape of Single Sign-On (SSO) technologies, it's evident that SAML remains a significant player in this domain and its relevance is unlikely to diminish in the immediate future. Given this context, might I propose we consider introducing a directive within ASVS that advises against the indiscriminate use of SAML?

elarlang commented 11 months ago

@jmanico - if you want to get rid of SAML in the world, you need to have requirement for that in ASVS.

If SAML is not considered as old and vulnerable component, applications are allowed to use it. Even if it so-called "old-school" technology, big companies are really slow to take new technologies in to use and those SAML solutions may live there for long time.

But I have not checked or analyzed the content here yet, just feedback on the "this is so old so it is not valid" topic.

jmanico commented 11 months ago

Fair enough, let's do it.

jmanico commented 11 months ago

Here is ChatGTP's suggestion for SAML requirements.

If you're a developer working on implementing SAML, you've got to be on your toes because there are a lot of security nuances to consider. Let's dig into the nitty-gritty details:

  1. XML Signature Validation Why: SAML assertions and responses are XML-based, and they often come signed. You need to validate these signatures to ensure the integrity and origin of the message. How: Use libraries that are compliant with XML Signature standards and make sure to validate against the correct public key of the Identity Provider (IdP).
  2. Audience Restriction Why: This is to ensure that the SAML assertion is intended for your service and not someone else. How: Validate the Audience element in the SAML assertion against your Service Provider (SP) entity ID.
  3. Time-based Checks Why: SAML assertions are time-bound. You don't want to accept an assertion that's expired or not yet valid. How: Validate NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter attributes in the Conditions element.
  4. Attribute Trust Why: You're going to be making authorization decisions based on these attributes. Make sure they're trustworthy. How: Only accept attributes that you expect and understand, and that come from trusted IdPs.
  5. Replay Attacks Why: An attacker could capture a SAML assertion and try to replay it. How: Implement one-time use checks, often facilitated by using the InResponseTo attribute.
  6. Canonicalization Attacks Why: XML is notoriously complex, and different XML documents can appear identical after canonicalization but have different semantics before. How: Use XML libraries that are aware of and can mitigate against these types of attacks.
  7. Encryption Why: To protect sensitive data within the SAML assertion. How: Use strong encryption algorithms and proper key management. Make sure to decrypt the assertion securely.
  8. Error Handling Why: Improper error handling can leak information that could be useful to an attacker. How: Implement generic error messages and log the details for internal review.
  9. Binding and Endpoint Security Why: The way the SAML assertion is transported is crucial. How: Prefer POST binding over GET to avoid leaking sensitive information in URLs. Make sure your endpoints are secured with HTTPS.
  10. User Session Management Why: After the SAML process, you still need to manage the user's session securely. How: Implement secure session management practices like session timeout, secure cookies, etc.
  11. Logging and Monitoring Why: For auditing and to detect any malicious activities. How: Log SAML transactions and set up monitoring and alerting based on anomalies.
  12. Compliance and Testing Why: To ensure that your SAML implementation is secure and compliant with standards. How: Regularly test your implementation for vulnerabilities and ensure it's compliant with the SAML 2.0 standard.
ImanSharaf commented 11 months ago

Fair enough, let's do it.

We can start with these:

tghosth commented 11 months ago

Much like with OAuth/OIDC, I think we need to come up with a set of positive requirements that cover the primary attacks.

@ImanSharaf can you work on that?

ImanSharaf commented 10 months ago

Let's start with three:

Are they good enough? @tghosth

tghosth commented 10 months ago

@jmanico what do you think about these? I am concerned they overlap with regular requirements...

jmanico commented 10 months ago

If we do wish to consider SAML base requirements, and I think these are well done.

However ASVS is getting kind of bulky, and I tend to want to remove legacy-ish requirements. And I consider SAML legacy tech.

tghosth commented 10 months ago
  • Verify and enforce the presence and integrity of digital signatures on SAML assertions, rejecting any assertions that are unsigned or have invalid signatures.

I think this makes sense specifically in a SAML context.

  • Verify that the application sanitizes SAML input fields to prevent comment injection, ensuring data is correctly parsed and potential comment injections are neutralized or rejected.

Is there a SAML specific attack here or is this a general XML issue? Do you have an example?

  • Verify that each SAML assertion is uniquely processed and used only once within its validity period to prevent replay attacks.

I agree with this but I think it would need to be L3 as it is quite complicated.

Thoughts @ImanSharaf ?

tghosth commented 7 months ago

@ImanSharaf waiting for your responses?

csfreak92 commented 2 months ago

Ping @ImanSharaf

jmanico commented 2 months ago

Many of my customers still use SAML, especially in Europe. I am also okay with duplicate requirements so the SAML section is self-contained. I think the requirements above are fairly straightforward and well thought out, and I am convinced we need them.

ImanSharaf commented 2 months ago
  • Verify and enforce the presence and integrity of digital signatures on SAML assertions, rejecting any assertions that are unsigned or have invalid signatures.

I think this makes sense specifically in a SAML context.

  • Verify that the application sanitizes SAML input fields to prevent comment injection, ensuring data is correctly parsed and potential comment injections are neutralized or rejected.

Is there a SAML specific attack here or is this a general XML issue? Do you have an example?

  • Verify that each SAML assertion is uniquely processed and used only once within its validity period to prevent replay attacks.

I agree with this but I think it would need to be L3 as it is quite complicated.

Thoughts @ImanSharaf ?

Sorry for delay. I agree that it would need to be L3. @tghosth

tghosth commented 2 months ago

Thanks @ImanSharaf can you respond to my other question here:

  • Verify that the application sanitizes SAML input fields to prevent comment injection, ensuring data is correctly parsed and potential comment injections are neutralized or rejected.

Is there a SAML specific attack here or is this a general XML issue? Do you have an example?

Also, do you have a proposed section for these 3 requirements?

ImanSharaf commented 2 months ago

You can find an example attack here:


Do you believe that we need a separate section for SAML attacks?

tghosth commented 2 months ago

Ok so I am comfortable with that.

I think a separate section would make sense. The question is, where?

jmanico commented 2 months ago

Perhaps a new category for “federation and assertions”. This mirrors NIST 800-63c[1]. All the OAuth, OIDC and SAML requirements could go there. Just an idea, I’m not tied to it.

[1] https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63c.html