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bug: 404 link: docker icc canonical info is gone. #1379

Open gcb opened 2 months ago

gcb commented 2 months ago

https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Docker_Security_Cheat_Sheet.html#rule-5-be-mindful-of-inter-container-connectivity contains:

For detailed guidance on configuring Docker networks for container communication, refer to the [Docker Documentation](https://docs.docker.com/network/#communication-between-containers).

That link resolves to a new content. The original target, and its content (any information about icc flag) is nowhere to be found.

szh commented 2 months ago

Looks like it's now in https://docs.docker.com/network/drivers/bridge/ under com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc

mackowski commented 2 months ago

@gcb or @szh do you want to make a PR?

gcb commented 2 months ago

that page doesn't have the missing section anchor, or go into detail about icc flag like the old link. I think the old docker documentation pages are saved somewhere ... moby ones also are missing that section https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/libnetwork/docs/network.md

I don't know what I am expecting. But i hoped the original pointed to a page that didn't simply says:

What's really happening?

When you create or remove a user-defined bridge ... Docker uses tools specific to the operating system ... (such as adding or removing bridge devices or configuring iptables rules on Linux). These details should be considered implementation details. Let Docker manage your user-defined networks for you.

like the current ones do.