OWASP / Maturity-Models

Node application to help managing Maturity Models like the ones created by BSIMM and OpenSAMM
Apache License 2.0
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Fix Radar bug in OwaspSAMM graph #164

Closed DinisCruz closed 8 years ago

DinisCruz commented 8 years ago

looks ok for BSIMM project


it is not working correctly on SAMM


DinisCruz commented 8 years ago

here is the test that replicates the bug

Data_Radar = require '../../../src/backend/Data-Radar'

describe 'bugs | backend | Data-Project', ->

  it 'Fix Radar bug in OwaspSAMM graph - #164', ->
    project    = 'samm'                                                                             # this value should be used

    using  new Data_Radar(), ->
      using @.get_Radar_Fields(), ->
        @.axes.assert_Size_Is 12
        @.axes.second().assert_Is     { axis: "Conf & Vuln Management" , xOffset: -110, value: 0}    # this is wrong (using BSIMM value)
        @.axes.second().assert_Is_Not {

once the schema was fixed, it was still not working, here is a test that shows the prob

  it 'Fix Radar bug in OwaspSAMM graph - #164 (prob with get_Radar_Data)', ->
    project = 'samm'
    team    = 'level-1'
    using  new Data_Radar(), ->
      using @.get_Radar_Data(project,team), ->
        @.axes.assert_Size_Is 12
        @.axes[0].value.assert_Is 1.125                      # ok
        (@.axes[0].value is undefined).assert_Is_False()     # ok
        (@.axes[1].value is undefined).assert_Is_True()      # this value should be set
        (@.axes[2].value is undefined).assert_Is_True()      # this value should be set

After finding the root cause of the problem (in map_Data function) here is a test that proves it

  it 'Fix Radar bug in OwaspSAMM graph - #164 (map_Data method)  ', ->
    keys_BSIMM = [ 'SM', 'CMVM', 'SE', 'PT', 'ST', 'CR', 'AA', 'SR', 'SFD', 'AM', 'T'  ,'CP' ]
    keys_SAMM  = [ 'SM', 'PC'  , 'EG', 'TA', 'SR', 'SA', 'DR', 'IR', 'ST' , 'IM', 'EH' ,'OE' ]
    data_Radar = new Data_Radar()
    data_Team  = new Data_Team()
    team_Data_SAAM   = data_Team.get_Team_Data 'samm' , 'level-1'
    team_Data_BSIMM  = data_Team.get_Team_Data 'bsimm', 'level-1'
    mapping_SAMM     = data_Radar.map_Data team_Data_SAAM
    mapping_BSIMM    = data_Radar.map_Data team_Data_BSIMM

    mapping_BSIMM._keys().assert_Is keys_BSIMM          # ok
    mapping_SAMM ._keys().assert_Is keys_BSIMM          # wrong
    mapping_SAMM ._keys().assert_Is_Not keys_SAMM       # wrong
DinisCruz commented 8 years ago

After fix test is changed to a regression test


DinisCruz commented 8 years ago

Done image