OWASP / O-Saft

O-Saft - OWASP SSL advanced forensic tool
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Docker container does not report selfsigned parameter correctly. #107

Closed stitch closed 6 years ago

stitch commented 6 years ago


Using the docker container, it's not possible to validate if certificates are self signed. The check always results in a "no (num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate)".

Command: ['docker', 'run', '--rm', '-it', 'owasp/o-saft', '--trace-key', '--legacy=quick', '+check', '+selfsigned', 'faalkaart.nl:443']

This results in the following issue with selfsigned on any domain: {'typ': 'check', 'line': '654', 'key': 'selfsigned', 'label': 'Certificate is not self-signed', 'value': 'no (num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate)'}

The documentation gives some hints about some systems not being capable of performing this check. I would imagine the distributed docker container would be configured to be able to check self-signing.

Am i missing something?

Regards, Elger

EnDe commented 6 years ago

This is a bug in the docker container, the file ca-certificates.crt is missing. A new docker will com this month ...

EnDe commented 6 years ago

A quick workaround is as follows:

  1. copy a ca-certificates.crt into the running docker container, i.e. to /O-Saft/
  2. change in /o-Saft/.o-saft.pl need to contain: --ca-path=/O-Saft/

If you're not used to docker, it can be done with o-saft's tools as follows

  1. o-saft-docker cp ca-certificates.crt
  2. o-saft-docker call cat .o-saft.pl > .o-saft.pl
  3. echo "--ca-path=/O-Saft/" >> .o-saft.pl
    echo "--ca-file=/O-Saft/ca-certificates.crt" >> .o-saft.pl
  4. ensure that .o-saft.pl is in UNIX-format (only \n not \r\n)
  5. o-saft-docker cp .o-saft.pl

Hope this helps.

EnDe commented 6 years ago

Fixed with Dockerfile