The OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory project (VWAD) is a comprehensive and well maintained registry of all known vulnerable web applications currently available.
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Shall we add DeFi as a collection type? #170

Open kingthorin opened 2 years ago

kingthorin commented 2 years ago

Shall we add a collection type for DeFi? https://github.com/tinchoabbate/damn-vulnerable-defi

psiinon commented 2 years ago

How many DeFi apps do we have now? If its just 1 then I'd say no for now...

psiinon commented 2 years ago

I couldnt see any others right now (but may have missed some). I dont think 1 is a collection, not sure how many we'd need, but I think at least 2 :)

kingthorin commented 2 years ago

That makes sense. I’ll leave this open to track for now, see if others pop up.

raulsiles commented 2 years ago

I agree with your previous comments. Once we have "a few", we will need to decide if we create a DeFi category or a Web3 category.

kingthorin commented 1 year ago
