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Mapping issue: Missing a reference to the OWASP DoS cheat sheet #449

Open cr-axway opened 1 year ago

cr-axway commented 1 year ago


What is the issue?

When I type "denial of service" in the search field on opencre.org I cannot find a reference to the OWASP Denial of Service cheat sheet - https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Denial_of_Service_Cheat_Sheet.html

Expected Behaviour

The OWASP Denial of Service cheat sheet link should appear as a reference.

Actual Behaviour

Several other references appear on the results page (e.g. ASVS, other OWASP cheat sheets, CAPEC, NIST, CWE, etc) but no link to the OWASP DoS cheat sheet.

Steps to reproduce

Visit opencre.org and type in "denial of service" in the search field and then click Search.

northdpole commented 1 year ago

Hey @cr-axway , is this cheatsheet a new one? We have mapped cheatsheets manually in the past since they haven't all added links to opencre.org in their text so we can map them automatically.

If you add a link to opencre.org in the DoS cheat sheet we'd be happy to add it. You can find an example of how this happens in the secrets management cheatsheet here https://github.com/OWASP/CheatSheetSeries/blob/fff4c0b9c50d6ed9d2ce03cd2943815e0770257a/cheatsheets/Secrets_Management_Cheat_Sheet.md?plain=1#L87