OWASP / QRLJacking

QRLJacking or Quick Response Code Login Jacking is a simple-but-nasty attack vector affecting all the applications that relays on “Login with QR code” feature as a secure way to login into accounts which aims for hijacking users session by attackers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not getting QRCODE #181

Open DonnyDevIT opened 1 year ago

DonnyDevIT commented 1 year ago

My html page does not load tmp.png

GEThttp://localhost/tmp.png?h=1661262355094 [HTTP/1.0 404 File not found 0ms]

any idea?

DonnyDevIT commented 1 year ago


DhruvLohar commented 1 year ago

I'm facing the same issue! The victim browser is not able to find the tmp.png which is supposed to be the qr code i guess ... In the console it says 404 not found 😢

Dylanmoran1234 commented 1 year ago

My qr code doesn't load either. I just get the scan me refreshing. Any ideas?

Zehir568 commented 1 year ago

same QR code not poping up.... -.-

pwdbyqatux commented 1 year ago

this is a tough one i thinkit may have to do with a new firefox edition becasue i have been constantly reinstalling this program for the past two years and i dont change anything, and this past week i get the same problem of the code not showing up. i think that the html file of the phishing page is different than ti was before. i thought adding <!DOCTYPE html> to the top of it would work but no