OWASP / java-html-sanitizer

Takes third-party HTML and produces HTML that is safe to embed in your web application. Fast and easy to configure.
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Possible to enforce having mutliple attributes on tag? #337

Open tom-mayer opened 5 months ago

tom-mayer commented 5 months ago


I am running into a case where I would like to enforce having two specific attributes on a tag, else the tag is illegal. As an example, <bar> should only be allowed if both attributes argh and blubb are present:

<bar argh="test"></bar>  // disallowed
<bar blubb="something" ></bar> // disallowed
<bar></bar> // disallowed
<bar argh="test" blubb="something"></bar> // allowed

I tried something like:

    private fun barRule(): PolicyFactory {
        return HtmlPolicyBuilder()
            .allowAttributes("blubb", "argh").onElements("bar")

This leads to both attributes being allowed solo, which I don't want. Is there a way to write this constraint in the builder syntax or would I have to use the allowElements with lambda function interface and implement this full manual?

I tried implementing the rule like this:

    private fun barRule(): PolicyFactory {
        return HtmlPolicyBuilder()
            .allowElements(object : ElementPolicy {
                override fun apply(name: String, attributes: MutableList<String>): String? {
                    return if (attributes.containsAll(listOf("argh", "blubb"))) {
                    } else {
            }, "bar")
            .allowAttributes("argh", "blubb").onElements("bar")

The one thing that is very weird is, if I sanitize <bar argh="test"></bar> with this policy, the attributes list contains two elements, argh and test (which is a value and not an attribute). Is this by design? Is there any reason why this is a string list with key/value after each other instead of a key-value Map?