OWASP / packman

A documentation and tracking project with the goal of making package management systems more secure.
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Which package managers should we include? #4

Closed omerlh closed 5 years ago

omerlh commented 5 years ago

There are many non-mainstream package managers, like quay (dockerhub alternative) MyGet (NPM and others) which are more secure is some (or most aspects. Do you think these should also be included? Maybe worth talking about types (e.g. docker, nodejs) instead of providers?

mkonda commented 5 years ago

So ... I would like to keep a more exhaustive list and a simplified most commonly used list, I think.

stevespringett commented 5 years ago

We should be targeting all the repos that are currently defined by PackageURL (or are a work-in-progress) https://github.com/package-url/purl-spec

Composer (php) Docker Ruby Gems Go Lang Maven (Maven Central, Android Central) NPM NuGet PyPi Cocoa Pods Swift Package Manager

Once these are done, we can expand out to other ecosystems. Package URL typically defines a default repository for each 'type'. The default provider for Maven for example, is Central, but Android Central can also be specified and should additionally be evaluated by this project. Dependency-Track has a list of repo's it currently supports here: https://docs.dependencytrack.org/datasources/repositories/

omerlh commented 5 years ago

The downside is that usually, the non-default package managers are more secure. Maybe we can just mention the more secure version where available.

mkonda commented 5 years ago

I am adding these now and closing for now.