Hi there :wave:, @dryrunsecurity here, below is a summary of our analysis and findings.
DryRun Security
Configured Codepaths Analyzer
0 findings
Sensitive Files Analyzer
0 findings
Authn/Authz Analyzer
0 findings
Secrets Analyzer
0 findings
Server-Side Request Forgery Analyzer
0 findings
IDOR Analyzer
0 findings
SQL Injection Analyzer
0 findings
:green_circle: Risk threshold not exceeded.
Change Summary (click to expand)
The following is a summary of changes in this pull request made by me, your security buddy :robot:. Note that this summary is auto-generated and not meant to be a definitive list of security issues but rather a helpful summary from a security perspective.
The changes made in this Pull Request are focused on configuring the WhiteSource security scanning tool, which is used to identify and manage security vulnerabilities in the project. The changes include setting up the scan settings, SAST (Static Application Security Testing) settings, check run settings, SAST check run settings, issue settings, remediate settings, and image settings.
The configuration ensures that the scanner will perform a comprehensive security analysis, with a focus on identifying and remediating dependencies-related issues. The settings are designed to fail the check run if any high-severity issues are found, which is a reasonable approach to maintain the security posture of the project. Additionally, the automatic remediation settings can help streamline the process of addressing identified vulnerabilities.
Overall, the changes made in this Pull Request appear to be a reasonable and comprehensive configuration of the WhiteSource security scanner, which should help improve the security of the project.
**Files Changed:**
- `.whitesource`: This file is used to configure the WhiteSource security scanning tool. The changes made in this Pull Request include setting up the scan settings, SAST settings, check run settings, SAST check run settings, issue settings, remediate settings, and image settings. The configuration ensures that the scanner will perform a comprehensive security analysis, with a focus on identifying and remediating dependencies-related issues.
Hi there :wave:, @dryrunsecurity here, below is a summary of our analysis and findings.
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