Closed righettod closed 1 year ago
π― This PR add the headers to remove for the following software:
π Source: I developer a script to search for HTTP response headers disclosing information using the majestic top site.
π» Execution overview:
π Code:
import requests import re import shutil import os import sys from multiprocessing import Pool from termcolor import colored from colorama import just_fix_windows_console # pip install requests termcolor colorama def loadOSHPHeaders(): resp = requests.get("") return resp.json()["headers"] def loadCommonsHeaders(): resp = requests.get("") headers = [] for h in re.findall(r'/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)', resp.text): headers.append(h) return headers def loadLocalSkipHeaders(): headers = [] with open("local-skip.txt", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = for line in lines: h = line.strip(" \r\n\t").lower() if h not in headers: headers.append(h) return headers def loadDomains(know_headers): domains = [] with open("majestic_million.csv", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = for line in lines: domains.append(line.split(",")[2] + "#" + know_headers) return domains def hunt(v): parts = v.split("#") domain = parts[0] ref = parts[1].split(";") print(f"\r=> {domain[:50]:<60}", end="", flush=True) try: resp = requests.get(f"https://{domain}", allow_redirects=True, timeout=5) for hd in resp.headers: hv = resp.headers[hd] if not toSkip(hd, hv, ref): store(f"{hd}: {hv}", domain) except: pass return "OK" def store(value, domain): data_file = f"data/{domain.replace('.','-')}.txt" with open(data_file, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(f"{value}\n") def toSkip(hdn, hdv, ref): hd = hdn.lower().strip(" \n\r\t") hv = str(hdv).strip(" \n\r\t").lower() expr = ["-amz-", "-azure", "p3p", "cache", "download", "request", "-goog-", "-ua-", "varnish", "envoy", "github", "origin", "correlation", "drupal", "allow-ranges", "adblock", "-fb", "cf-", "proxy", "city", "country", "postal", "region", "cluster", "zone" "code", "akamai", "-arc", "ki-", "cdn", "fastly", "location", "cgi", "device", "runtime", "trace", "state", "ttl", "-id", "route", "hacker", "rate", "limit", "time", "edge", "msn", "cnection", "feature-policy", "iinfo", "employment", "content-security-policy", "mime", "eventid", "recruiting", "terms-of-service", "encoding", "content" "status", "date", "-served-", "proto", "-dc", "-ac", "-auto-", "age", "endpoints", "via", "key-pins", "x-li-", "md5", "-geo", "trackingid"] check1 = (hv in ["miss", "hit", "cached", "off", "on", "expired", "true", "false", "none", "1", "0"]) check2 = False for exp in expr: if exp in hd: check2 = True break check3 = (hd in ref) check4 = ("-" not in hd) check5 = hv.isdigit() mustSkip = (check1 or check2 or check3 or check4 or check5) return mustSkip def printStep(msg, color="yellow"): print(colored(msg, color, attrs=['bold'])) if __name__ == '__main__': TAKE_FIRST = 50000 THREAD_COUNT = 25 if len(sys.argv) > 1: TAKE_FIRST = int(sys.argv[1]) just_fix_windows_console() printStep("\U0001F4BB Initialize the workspace ...") dfolder = "data" if os.path.exists(dfolder): shutil.rmtree(dfolder, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(dfolder) printStep("\U0001F4E5 Loading resources ...") know_headers = ";".join(loadOSHPHeaders()) + ";" + ";".join(loadCommonsHeaders()) + ";" + ";".join(loadLocalSkipHeaders()) + ";" domains = loadDomains(know_headers.lower()) domains.sort() inputs = domains[:TAKE_FIRST] printStep(f"\U0001F50E Hunting using first {TAKE_FIRST} domains ...", "cyan") with Pool(processes=THREAD_COUNT, maxtasksperchild=THREAD_COUNT) as pool: outputs = pool.imap_unordered(hunt, inputs) outputs_size = sum(1 for _ in outputs) printStep(f"\r\U0001F197 Processed: {outputs_size:<40}", "green")
Thanks in advance π
π― This PR add the headers to remove for the following software:
π Source: I developer a script to search for HTTP response headers disclosing information using the majestic top site.
π» Execution overview:
π Code:
Thanks in advance π