OXY2DEV / intro.nvim

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intro.nvim not starting #1

Closed daUnknownCoder closed 1 month ago

daUnknownCoder commented 3 months ago
        ...eutronVim/lazy/lazy.nvim/lua/lazy/manage/task/plugin.lua:84: Vim:E154: Duplicate tag "intro.nvim-colors" in file /home/daUnknownCoder/.local/share/NeutronVim/lazy/intro.nvim/doc//intro-nvim.txt


return {
  config = function()
    local intro_status_ok, intro = pcall(require, "intro")
    if not intro_status_ok then
      print("intro not found!")
      preset = "nvim_color_animated",
      animations = { delay = 0, updateDelay = 100 },
      components = {
        type = "time",
OXY2DEV commented 3 months ago

I removed the duplicate tag in the help file. I can install it via lazy now.

Can you check if the issue is resolved?

On a side note, I am currently working on changes to the plugin. So the help file may be a bit outdated(especially the presets section, as I am working on it right now).

OXY2DEV commented 3 months ago
  preset = "intro_animated"

No longer works

Use this instead

  preset = {
    name = "nvim",
    opts = { "animated" }
daUnknownCoder commented 3 months ago

ok the error of lazy is gone but how do i start it?

return {
  lazy = false,
  event = "VeryLazy",
  config = function()
    local intro_status_ok, intro = pcall(require, "intro")
    if not intro_status_ok then
      print("intro not found!")
      preset = {
        name = "nvim_color_animated",
        opts = { "animated" },
      animations = { delay = 0, updateDelay = 100 },
      components = {
        type = "time",
OXY2DEV commented 3 months ago

You should do it like this

  preset = {
    name = "nvim",
    opts = { "animated" }

In case you are wondering, the start delay and frame delay don't need manual setup anymore. As they are applied by the preset.

Option merging(using a preset and normal options at the same time), no longer works. It will be added later.

daUnknownCoder commented 3 months ago

bro i meant, how to get the startscreen plugin?

OXY2DEV commented 3 months ago

bro i meant, how to get the startscreen plugin?

I don't think I actually understood what you meant. Your config shows that you are installing the plugin.

Can you elaborate?

daUnknownCoder commented 3 months ago

according to my config, the thing should popup on startup, but it takes me to an empty buffer, nothing on startup

OXY2DEV commented 3 months ago

according to my config, the thing should popup on startup, but it takes me to an empty buffer, nothing on startup

Why are you lazy loading the plugin? Remove the event = "VeryLazy" part.

There's no point of the plugin if it can't start before other plugins.

Have you tried using this

return {
  config = function()
daUnknownCoder commented 3 months ago

no doesnt work, it doesnt open on startup

OXY2DEV commented 3 months ago

no doesnt work, it doesnt open on startup

What happens on Neovim's start?

Does it open the normal Neovim intro page? this one

Or does it open a completely empty buffer (with no text)?

If the buffer is completely empty run the following command

:lua print(vim.bo.filetype)

If the plugin is working it would print intro if the plugin is working and won't return anything if it isn't.

daUnknownCoder commented 3 months ago

can ya open the issue?

image akinsho/nvim-bufferline, lualine

OXY2DEV commented 3 months ago

can ya open the issue?

image akinsho/nvim-bufferline, lualine

It shouldn't be saying new file. Are you sure the plugin is loading?

Just to make sure the plugin is loading you can check for a command

:Gradient "111111" "ffffff" 10

See if it throws an error.

daUnknownCoder commented 3 months ago

If the buffer is completely empty run the following command

:lua print(vim.bo.filetype)

returns nothing, :Gradient "111111" "ffffff" 10

E492: Not an editor command: Gradient "111111" "ffffff" 10

in the lazy menu, i see its not loaded:

return {
  config = function()

with this config:

return {
  lazy = false,
  config = function()
    local intro_status_ok, intro = pcall(require, "intro")
    if not intro_status_ok then
      print("intro not found!")
      preset = {
        name = "nvim_color_animated",
        opts = { "animated" },
      animations = { delay = 0, updateDelay = 100 },
      components = {
        type = "time",

i get :lua vim.print(vim.bo.filetype) is intro, but it looks like: image and the gradient command also return something

OXY2DEV commented 3 months ago

I am testing with the plugin and have found this bug too.

I will see what I can do to fix it.

OXY2DEV commented 3 months ago

I did a fresh installation of the plugin and it seems to work just fine. I thought the plugin was bugged but found nothing.

I checked the code of the plugin and it works like normal. So it can't be from there.

Here's the config I used to test.

return {
  config = function()

I can't seem to recreate the issue. Have you tried checking the message logs? You can check it via the :messages command.

Since the buffer is getting correctly named then the plugin is doing what it's supposed to do.

But for some reason vim.cmd() isn't doing what it's meant to.

What are you running Neovim on? And what version are you using?

The plugin is meant to work on 0.9.5 as that's what I am using.

daUnknownCoder commented 2 months ago

ok i get the plugin by updating: im using 0.9.5 image

current config:

return {
  name = "intro",
  lazy = false,
  config = function()
    local intro_status_ok, intro = pcall(require, "intro")
    if not intro_status_ok then
      print("intro not found!")
      preset = {
        name = "nvim",
        opts = { "animated" },
      animations = { delay = 0, updateDelay = 100 },
      components = {
        type = "time",


but i dont get animation...

OXY2DEV commented 2 months ago

You are overly complicating the entire thing.

Just use intro.setup(). You are just setting everything up again.

The animation is happening. It's just that some other plugin or your terminal is messing with it.

For some odd reason your terminal isn't updating the screen(like it should be doing). You can see that once all the animation is finished it just jumps to the end instead of playing it.

Here's what you can do to diagnose the issue. If you are on linux go to ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/intro.nvim/lua/intro/. Inside you will see a file named presets.lua. Open that file.

The first table(after the function) is named nvim. Go to the table and check for a property named animated. Inside it there's another property called animations.

Inside you will see this

delay = 15

It's in line 129.

Change 15 to something like 500 and open Neovim. Tell me what happens.

OXY2DEV commented 2 months ago

You are overly complicating the entire thing.

Just use intro.setup(). You are just setting everything up again.

The animation is happening. It's just that some other plugin or your terminal is messing with it.

For some odd reason your terminal isn't updating the screen(like it should be doing). You can see that once all the animation is finished it just jumps to the end instead of playing it.

Here's what you can do to diagnose the issue. If you are on linux go to ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/intro.nvim/lua/intro/. Inside you will see a file named presets.lua. Open that file.

The first table(after the function) is named nvim. Go to the table and check for a property named animated. Inside it there's another property called animations.

Inside you will see this

delay = 15

It's in line 129.

Change 15 to something like 500 and open Neovim. Tell me what happens.

This is the line

OXY2DEV commented 1 month ago

Due to lack of activity, this issue will be closed.