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Blazor wasm (client-side): All changes are lost when refreshing page #70

Open trygvelo opened 4 years ago

trygvelo commented 4 years ago

1.5 release version. Blazor wasm 3.2 release version. Latest VS 2019 as of today. Running default Blazor wasm template project with or without debug (doesn't matter) in debug build. Latest chrome on win 10 pro.

New changes are applied correctly (takes somewhere between 2-5 seconds after saving in VS), but when I reload the page, f.ex. because I have CSS or HTML changes, all c# changes are lost. Ie. the bowser loads the version of the app that is compiled when starting up the project in VS. I have to make a new code change in C#, then ALL previous changes are applied as well as the newest change made.

It would be a nice improvement that all changes are reapplied when reloading the page.

ionoy commented 4 years ago

Hello @trygvelo

Thank you for the feedback. I'm already working on the solution. It should be available in one of the next updates.

Thanks, Mihhail

trygvelo commented 4 years ago

Hello again @ionoy . Do you have any progress on this? I would like to evaluate LiveSharp again once this is fixed. If it works I would like to introduce it to our whole team.

ionoy commented 4 years ago

Hi @trygvelo

Sorry for not responding earlier. I had to throw out the initial solution because it caused unexpected issues with other parts of LiveSharp. But I have now come up with an improved solution that seems to work fine. Please come to the Gitter channel: https://gitter.im/LiveSharp/Lobby

I'll extend your trial period and will send you the new binaries.

Thanks, Mihhail