2fa is responsible for making sure a user is the right user making certain actions. This usually means sending a 6-digit code to their emails or phone numbers and making sure said code is entered and validated before they are allowed access to whatever functionality is being blocked by the 2fa.
We need UI that will allow users to send code and enter the code for validation, backend functionality that will send and verify the code before allowing users to continue with whatever functionality they want to perform, etc.
2fa is responsible for making sure a user is the right user making certain actions. This usually means sending a 6-digit code to their emails or phone numbers and making sure said code is entered and validated before they are allowed access to whatever functionality is being blocked by the 2fa.
We need UI that will allow users to send code and enter the code for validation, backend functionality that will send and verify the code before allowing users to continue with whatever functionality they want to perform, etc.
Instructions (frontend)
Tasks Breakdown
Notifications? Yes (SMS OTP, Email OTP)