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Adblockers can cause Export Trades to fail #48

Open ghettodev opened 6 years ago

ghettodev commented 6 years ago

Export Trades seems to be making XHR requests to https://oasisdex.github.io/oasis-dex-script/maker-otc-*.trades.json which fail when uBlock is active. This causes the UI to replace the Generate Report button with a spinner which never expires.

screenshot from 2018-04-04 21-03-24

peculiarity commented 6 years ago

@ghettodev can you suggest any idea how to solve this. In general the application works fine so it's not an issue of the application but the 3rd parity tool you are using.

peculiarity commented 6 years ago

@luke7211 Opinion?

ghettodev commented 6 years ago

It's a philosophical issue I think. If you want to accept that adblockers are a fact of life, then probably make sure the requests are all pointing at the originating domain. If you can't code around it then there should be an alert warning people to turn it off or some kind of feedback other than an unending spinner.

I'm inclined to believe that a higher than average number of people who are into crypto are security conscious and have one or more privacy extensions running.