OasisLMF / ODS_OpenExposureData

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[Cyber, Liability] Financial coverages and field name revisions #188

Open johcarter opened 3 weeks ago

johcarter commented 3 weeks ago
## Description

Reasons for change

More explicit labelling of financial coverages to avoid mix ups between property coverages and financial terms. The coverage scope of the PolDed and PolLimit will be defined by PolCoverage, defaulting to 'FIN' meaning all Financial coverages if not otherwise specified. Not affixing 'FIN' to the field name is to allow flexibility for other classes of business which have a PolDed/ PolLimit but a different set of standard coverages (e.g liability). Liability coverages are WIP - further revisions may be made to this proposal to align with liability. ## Scope of change - [ ] Location File - [X ] Accounts File - [ ] Reinsurance Scope - [ ] Reinsurance Info PolDedFRD replaces PolDedFIN (Financial Fraud sub deductible field) PolLimitFRD replaces PolLimitFIN (Financial Fraud sub limit field) PolCoverage default value ='FIN' (rather than proposed 'All') ## Impact of change Breaking for Cyber as part of a major revision
johcarter commented 1 week ago

Feedback suggests that liability classes does not need coverage codes because LOB (original ODSLiabilityClass) and CoverageClassDescription fields are sufficient to describe liability coverage. The PolCoverage field will only be used for Cyber coverages and it is not necessary to generalise the codes.

Updated proposal;