Unique ids (integers) will be assigned to all coverages in the OED specification, although the ids for the new financial coverages will not be embedded in OED fieldnames as they are for property.
Reasons for change
It is useful and practical for standard ids to be assigned to coverages for programming purposes.
## Scope of change
A column of ids will be added to the new coverages table in the specification.
- [ ] Location File
- [ ] Accounts File
- [ ] Reinsurance Scope
- [ ] Reinsurance Info
## Impact of change
Unique ids (integers) will be assigned to all coverages in the OED specification, although the ids for the new financial coverages will not be embedded in OED fieldnames as they are for property.
Reasons for change
It is useful and practical for standard ids to be assigned to coverages for programming purposes. ## Scope of change A column of ids will be added to the new coverages table in the specification. - [ ] Location File - [ ] Accounts File - [ ] Reinsurance Scope - [ ] Reinsurance Info ## Impact of change None