Oberon00 / luabind

Luabind is a library that helps you create bindings between C++ and Lua.
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number_converter class partial specializations not always work correctly. #35

Closed AndriyAstakhov closed 7 years ago

AndriyAstakhov commented 7 years ago

Assume we register standard std::vector class with 'double' elements. C++:

    .def("push_back", (void(std::vector<double>::*)(const double&))&std::vector<double>::push_back)

And then create object of this class in Lua and call push_back() method. Lua:

local vecDouble = vector_double()

As a result we get a runtime error:

stack: No matching overload found, candidates: void push_back(vector_double&,custom [double] const&)

This code used to work properly before commit '5865097ac9a0ed4431976ce2345c8b6aff9ababa' where branch 'redo-number-converters' was merged. Please note, that the issue occurs with all number types but everything works properly with the same code but using std::string as container element type.

I attach patch that works for me, but it's not cover all platform specific types.

Luabind number_converter patch.txt