ObjectProfile / Roassal2

Agile Visualization Engine for Pharo and VisualWorks
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Is RTDataInteractionBuilder really useful? #23

Closed pavel-krivanek closed 5 years ago

pavel-krivanek commented 5 years ago

Issue by bergel Thursday Apr 20, 2017 at 19:54 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/moosetechnology/Moose/issues/1185

Apparently it is not

g := RTGrapher new.
d := RTData new.
d interaction toggleDataset.
d points: (0.0 to: 5.0 by: 0.1).
d y: #yourself.
g add: d.

Does not seem to do much.

bergel commented 5 years ago

It is useful. You need to have a legend and click on the element of the legend. For example:

g := RTGrapher new.
d := RTData new.
d label: 'Collection code'.
d interaction toggleDataset.
d dotShape color: Color red trans.
d points: (Collection withAllSubclasses).
d x: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
d y: #numberOfMethods.
g add: d.

d := RTData new.
d interaction toggleDataset.
d label: 'Roassal code'.
d dotShape color: Color blue trans.
d points: (RTObject withAllSubclasses).
d x: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
d y: #numberOfMethods.
g add: d.

g axisX noDecimal; title: 'Number of lines of code'; withThousandsSeparator.
g axisY noDecimal; title: 'Number of Methods'.

g legend addText: 'Collection vs Roassal code base'.
bergel commented 5 years ago

The class and method comments have been improved.