ObjectProfile / Roassal2

Agile Visualization Engine for Pharo and VisualWorks
MIT License
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RTBorderAttachPoint has glitchy behavior when offset is used #32

Closed pavel-krivanek closed 1 year ago

pavel-krivanek commented 5 years ago

Issue by peteruhnak Tuesday Jun 20, 2017 at 13:49 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/moosetechnology/Moose/issues/1234

RTBorderAttachPoint has glitchy behavior when offset is used.

| v e1 e2 l1 l2|
v := RTView new.

e1 := RTLabel new elementOn: #RTBorderAttachPoint, ' left'.
e2 := RTLabel new elementOn: #RTBorderAttachPoint, ' right'.
e2 translateBy: 500 @ 0.
v add: e1; add: e2.
l1 := RTLine new
    attachPoint: (RTBorderAttachPoint new offset: 20);
    edgeFrom: e1 to: e2.
l2 := RTLine new
    attachPoint: (RTBorderAttachPoint new offset: 20);
    edgeFrom: e1 to: e2.
v add: l1; add: l2.

v elements @ RTDraggable.

^ v



akevalion commented 1 year ago

This has been fixed with RSBorderAttachPoint Please use roassal3 https://github.com/ObjectProfile/Roassal3 I will close this issue because cleaning process and roassal2 will be frozen