Dusty on Discord suggested to use foreign objects. He says:
"creating SVG for web interfacces, like I'm doing the graphical rendering in roassal, but exporting the SVG to a web interface. I'd like to make the blocks clickable (via <a ...> tag) to open properties of the item in the web app"
"also, forienobject would allow for title= or
moved to roassal3exporters
Please use roassal3 https://github.com/ObjectProfile/Roassal3
I will close this issue because cleaning process and roassal2 will be frozen
Issue by bergel Monday Dec 11, 2017 at 14:30 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/moosetechnology/Moose/issues/1273
Dusty on Discord suggested to use foreign objects. He says: "creating SVG for web interfacces, like I'm doing the graphical rendering in roassal, but exporting the SVG to a web interface. I'd like to make the blocks clickable (via <a ...> tag) to open properties of the item in the web app" "also, forienobject would allow for title= or
We should have a look at this.