ObjectProfile / Roassal2

Agile Visualization Engine for Pharo and VisualWorks
MIT License
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Making a grapher draggable #38

Closed pavel-krivanek closed 1 year ago

pavel-krivanek commented 5 years ago

Issue by bergel Wednesday May 02, 2018 at 17:16 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/moosetechnology/Moose/issues/1293

Increating the 30 to 100 does not show anything. We should be able to drag the background and see the graph content and the axes adjusted accordingly.

r := Random seed: 10.
data := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: 30 do: [:i | | datum r1 r2 |
    r1 := r next * 100.
    r2 := r next * 100.
    datum := OrderedCollection with:  ('c',i asString) with: (r1 min: r2) with: (r1 max: r2).
    data add: datum
b := RTTimeline new.
s := RTTimelineSet new.
s objects: data.
s lineIdentifier: #first.
s start: #second.
s end: #third.
b add: s.
b axisX
    numberOfLabels: 15;
    labelRotation: -45;
    labelConversion: [ :v | v ceiling ].
b build.
^ b view
akevalion commented 1 year ago

No longer valid Please use roassal3 https://github.com/ObjectProfile/Roassal3 I will close this issue because cleaning process and roassal2 will be frozen