ObliviousHarmony / vscode-php-codesniffer

A VS Code extension for integrating PHP_CodeSniffer.
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Add Windows Support #63

Closed ObliviousHarmony closed 1 year ago

ObliviousHarmony commented 1 year ago

All Submissions:

Changes proposed in this Pull Request:

This pull request adds explicit Windows support to the extension. Previously only Linux and OSX would work natively, and so on Windows, your only option was to use WSL.

How to test the changes in this Pull Request:

Note: These tests must be done natively in Windows. You cannot validate them with a remote development environment from within WSL since that already worked.

  1. Ensure that diagnostics are generated on Windows.
  2. Ensure that code actions execute correctly on Windows.
  3. Ensure that full and selection document formatting works on Windows.