Obrelix / .Net-Pacman-Windows-Forms-cross-threading-application

The Pacman arcade game writen in c# making use of windows forms
MIT License
7 stars 3 forks source link

Pacman Resources #2

Open talhostic opened 5 years ago

talhostic commented 5 years ago

Hi buddy. Can you add Pacman as an image file ?

Obrelix commented 5 years ago

Hi buddy. Can you add Pacman as an image file ?

Hello mate! Pacman haven't have any image... Please take a look on the file PacmanBoard.cs at methods 'DrawPacMan', 'pacmanPrint'

talhostic commented 5 years ago

Can you add a gif or png file to Pacman ? Can you also do it for the big point? I need this, please !

Obrelix commented 5 years ago

Hello again! Please contact me via email to explain what you want to change!

talhostic commented 5 years ago

Ok what's your email adress ?

Obrelix commented 5 years ago
