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Add an improved, experimental Pathfinder 2e Bestiary layout #11

Closed miscoined closed 2 months ago

miscoined commented 2 months ago

This layout is intended to functionally appear mostly the same to the default Pathfinder 2e creature layout. The difference is primarily in the YAML required to create the layout. The intention is for this to eventually become the new default layout - see Fantasy Statblocks#436 for the overall plan.

There are a lot of differences, but the primary goal here was to make it less of a pain to manually write and edit these statblocks, and to allow plugins and scripts to access the data in reasonable ways. I've done this by:

In particular:

There's also a few quality-of-life improvements:

Abilities have been left pretty much untouched.

I'm open to feedback here if folks have other improvements that I haven't covered here.

Here's an example statblock with placeholder values using this layout:

Rendered example statblock

layout: Experimental Pathfinder 2e Layout
source: B2
sourcebook: Bestiary 2 p. 87
name: Some Name
level: Creature 1

alignment: alignment
rarity: unique
size: size
  - "[[trait]]"

modifier: 0
senses: senses
languages: languages
  - Skill: 1
  - "Lore: Lore": 2
skillsNote: skill note
abilityMods: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
speed: speed

ac: 0
  - fort: 1
  - ref: 1
  - will: 1
savesNote: save note
hp: 0
hpNote: health note
immunities: immunities
resistances: resistances
weaknesses: weaknesses

items: items

  - name: "[[Top Ability Name]]"
    desc: "([[trait]]); ability text"
  - name: Mid Ability Name
    desc: >  
      **Some Text** This can be freeform text input;
      **Effect** It's markdown-rendered and no escaping is required.
  - name: Bot Ability Name
    desc: >
      ⬺ ([[trait]]); You can even use multi-line text here if you use two
      newlines and indent correctly. For example, here's a list:

      - List item

      - another item

      and here's a callout

      > [!note]+ FYI

      > I didn't add this, this is just YAML features :)

  - name: ___Melee___ ⬻ name
    desc: ([[trait]])
    bonus: 0
    damage: 1d100+0 damage type plus 3d4 another type
  - name: ___Ranged___ ⬻ name
    desc: ([[trait]])
    bonus: 0
    damage: 3d8+12 slashing plus some effect

  - name: Spellcasting name
    desc: >
      DC 0, attack +0;
      **1st** [[some spell]] (×3);
      **Constant (3rd)** [[constant spell]]

I've spot-checked this with statblocks generated with a local version of ttrpg-convert-cli that has Pf2e Fantasy Statblocks support.

Just for good measure, here's a statblock for an Adult Brine Dragon so you can see what it looks like with real data:

layout: Experimental Pathfinder 2e Layout
source: B2
sourcebook: Bestiary 2 p. 87
name: Adult Brine Dragon
level: Creature 12

alignment: LN
rarity: uncommon
size: huge
  - "[amphibious](rules/traits/amphibious-b1.md)"
  - "[dragon](rules/traits/dragon.md)"
  - "[elemental](rules/traits/elemental.md)"
  - "[water](rules/traits/water.md)"

modifier: 23
senses: darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60
languages: aquan, common, draconic, sylvan
  - Acrobatics: 20
  - Athletics: 25
  - Deception: 24
  - Intimidation: 24
  - Nature: 21
  - Society: 21
  - Survival: 21
abilityMods: [7, 2, 5, 3, 5, 6]
speed: 40 feet, fly 120 feet, walk 40 feet, swim 60 feet

ac: 33
  - fort: 25
  - ref: 20
  - will: 21
hp: 222
immunities: "[acid](rules/traits/acid.md), paralyzed, [sleep](rules/traits/sleep.md)"

  - name: "[Frightful Presence](rules/abilities/frightful-presence.md)"
    desc: "([aura](rules/traits/aura.md), [emotion](rules/traits/emotion.md), [fear](rules/traits/fear.md), [mental](rules/traits/mental.md)); 90 feet, DC 30"
  - name: Brine Spit
    desc: >  
      **Trigger** A creature the brine dragon observes within 30 feet uses a concentrate action;
      **Effect** The dragon spits a glob of caustic salt water at the creature. The creature takes 5d6 acid damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). On a failure, the concentrate action is disrupted.

  - name: Breath Weapon
    desc: >
      ⬺ ([acid](rules/traits/acid.md), [evocation](rules/traits/evocation.md), [primal](rules/traits/primal.md)); The dragon breathes a spray of acidic salt water that deals 13d6 acid damage in a 100-foot line (DC 32 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.
  - name: Draconic Frenzy
    desc: >
      ⬺ The dragon makes two claw [Strikes](rules/actions/strike.md) and one wing [Strike](rules/actions/strike.md) in any order.
  - name: Draconic Momentum
    desc: >
      The dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a [Strike](rules/actions/strike.md).
  - name: Desiccating Bite
    desc: >
      ⬺ The dragon makes a jaws [Strike](rules/actions/strike.md). On a hit, the target takes 4d6 [persistent acid damage](rules/conditions.md#Persistent%20Damage), and is [sickened](rules/conditions.md#Sickened) from the pain of salt and brine in its wounds.

  - name: ___Melee___ ⬻ jaws
    desc: ([acid](rules/traits/acid.md), [magical](rules/traits/magical.md), [reach 15 feet](rules/traits/reach-15-feet.md))
    bonus: 26
    damage: "3d10+12 piercing plus 3d4 acid"
  - name: ___Melee___ ⬻ claw
    desc: ([agile](rules/traits/agile.md), [magical](rules/traits/magical.md), [reach 10 feet](rules/traits/reach-10-feet.md))
    bonus: 26
    damage: "3d8+12 slashing"
  - name: ___Melee___ ⬻ tail
    desc: ([magical](rules/traits/magical.md), [reach 20 feet](rules/traits/reach-20-feet.md))
    bonus: 24
    damage: "3d12+12 bludgeoning"
  - name: ___Melee___ ⬻ wing
    desc: ([magical](rules/traits/magical.md), [reach 15 feet](rules/traits/reach-15-feet.md))
    bonus: 24
    damage: "1d12+12 piercing"

  - name: Primal Innate Spells
    desc: >
      DC 32, attack +24;
      **4th** [hydraulic torrent](compendium/spells/hydraulic-torrent.md); **3rd** [hydraulic push](compendium/spells/hydraulic-push.md) (×3); **2nd** [obscuring mist](compendium/spells/obscuring-mist.md);

Here's what it looks like rendered: Rendered Adult Brine Dragon statblock

miscoined commented 2 months ago

done. also fixed the watch functionality and restructured it a bit.