Obsidian-TTRPG-Community / TTRPG-Community-Admin

This is the administrative repository for everything Obsidian TTRPG Community. Our standards and practices, and helpful resources are located here.
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SRD-To-Obsidian Vault Conversions #14

Open sigrunixia opened 1 year ago

sigrunixia commented 1 year ago

Hello Everyone!

Scope and Goal

In order to help our ever growing audience of role-players that are turning to the simplicity and reliability of Obsidian, we are looking to expand the availability of resources available to them outside of Dungeons and Dragons. To this end, we are looking to create "ready-to-go" Obsidian vaults or sets of folders that can be downloaded, placed into Obsidian, and be ready for play or review, with no extra work needed on the part of the downloader.

These vaults will eventually be linked on the Obsidian TTRPG Hub. They can be hosted here, or they can be hosted in your personal repositories.

Current In-Progress Projects

Project Repo Thread Volunteers
13th Age 13th Age SRD Overview Thread sigrunixia, nayr31
Stars Without Numbers TBD TBD TBD
Worlds Without Numbers TBD TBD TBD
Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder 1E Markdown Overview Thread Craftidore, DjBrock

Projects That Need Converters

  1. Cyberpunk Red: Easy Mode
  2. Cypher Free Rulebook
  3. Cerberus Engine - Traveller Compatible Reference Documents
  4. A5E SRD
  5. Gumshoe SRD

If you think a project should be added, are willing to take on/assist with a project, are currently working on another project and want to be included, or have already completed a conversion and want to have it linked on the Obsidian Hub and/or this repository, please pick one of the projects, create an issue thread here, and post your updates.

Rule and Guidelines

As every SRD and resource is going to be different, there are only a few suggested guidelines on how the conversions and projects should go. Due to legal requirements, there are also a few rules that must be insisted on.


  1. The content must be legally allowed to be distributed freely by the authors and publishers. Whether it ends up being hosted on ObsidianTTRPGShare or in your own repositories, if you are working as a part of this project, the content you are working on in the conversion must be a a part of the "free to distribute content." Once the conversion is labeled as "Completed". You are free to do and what you want with your own copy.
  2. Licenses that are required to remain with the content, must be included with the content, including the vault. The repository Read.me is not enough. However, combining all of the legal notices onto one formatted note with headers is appropriate.
  3. If you can find an SRD on Github that is in another format, and can confirm it matches the official SRD version, and follow the licensure requirements above, you may convert from that format to Markdown. I.E., from JSON to Markdown.
  4. You may include other "free to distribute" content from other publishers for that conversion within the SRD Vault, if it is specifically marked as such, and is separated out into root folders marked by that publisher, and includes licensing attributes. For example, Kobold Press and DND-5e.


  1. Create all callouts, headings, file structures, tag structures, YAML, and appearance changes with the defaults themes and plugins in mind.
  2. However, work with what Obsidian does have. It does have MOCs, tagging, linking, and great folder management. Try to incorporate all of them.
  3. Match the file structure as close to the original SRD as possible. For example, if a PDF has a top-level section called Playing the Game, with sub-sections and notes, one of which is named Combat with more notes under that, you will want to match that structure with Folders. Your Vault will have a Root Folder named Playing the Game and inside that will also be a folder called Combat.
  4. Set your "Converting Vault" to use Markdown links, as Github will not accept Wikilinks. Additionally, set your "New Links" to be "Relative to Path in File."
  5. Place items, skills, beasts, classes, actions, conditions, etc., on their own notes. It helps later on when the player or game master decides to use plugins, needs to link, or needs to move things around.
  6. Items, Skills, Stats, Spells, Monsters, and links to other files should be linked where it makes sense. Not every word needs to be linked to the appropriate skill within the vault, but think about what would be helpful to you as a player, and as a game master.

Can Use a Link or Two Can Do Without or Minimal Use
Being Prone: When you are Prone, you can't use your Move Action until you use the Get Up Action. Not everything on The Street is determined with fists or guns. In a world where combat can end your life in a hot nanosecond, other methods have evolved to determine who is going to be the top dog in a potential conflict.

  1. A certain amount of inclusion of qualify of life is nice, but you do not have to do this. For instance, replacing d6 with dice: d6 tells the same story, but also makes it so when Dice Roller is installed, that note is ready to go. Similarly, naming a note in the Combat folder Combat and having it also be the Map of Content or Table of Contents, makes it so that if someone installs a folder-note plugin, its all done for them.

  2. Last but not least. Think about what you wish you had when you started Obsidian as a resource. What were your pain points when you incorporated your own data into the vault? Can you address this in this SRD? If you downloaded the DND SRD, what would you have liked out of it? What would you have done better?

Thank you current and future volunteers. This community is awesome, and we are only just getting started.

GreeneDragon37 commented 1 year ago

I'm interested in working on the Pathfinder 1e SRD.

sigrunixia commented 1 year ago

I'm interested in working on the Pathfinder 1e SRD.

Great. I'll put you down as on it. This is an open and fluid project. There are no timelines. However, to make sure you are getting the support you need, allow me to ask you some further questions.

  1. Would you be looking to do the Pathfinder 1E SRD alone, or do you want collaborators and want it listed as looking for help?
  2. What assistance at the start do you think you will need from the TTRPGShare, and from the Obsidian Discord Tabletop-Games channel members?
  3. Do you have any suggestions for projects to be added to the "to-do" list?
GreeneDragon37 commented 1 year ago

I would welcome anyone that would want to contribute, but I feel comfortable working on the project alone. Pathfinder 1e is the system I currently use for my campaign I run with my family. Putting the SRD into Obsidian has already been a project I have been working on.

My experience using GitHub is very limited, as I have never actually added anything, only first learning of it when I started working with Obsidian plug-ins a couple months ago. That would probably be where my weakness lies. But I am very open to help and critique on the work.

sigrunixia commented 1 year ago

I would welcome anyone that would want to contribute, but I feel comfortable working on the project alone. Pathfinder 1e is the system I currently use for my campaign I run with my family. Putting the SRD into Obsidian has already been a project I have been working on.

My experience using GitHub is very limited, as I have never actually added anything, only first learning of it when I started working with Obsidian plug-ins a couple months ago. That would probably be where my weakness lies. But I am very open to help and critique on the work.

I made a new thread for you here so that if you have any questions or want something checked real quick, you can throw it in there.

I'll also drop some plug-in's suggestions tomorrow that I have been using to help with my conversions.

tekolote commented 1 year ago

New to Obsidian but am interested in helping out with the Worlds Without Number project

sigrunixia commented 1 year ago

New to Obsidian but am interested in helping out with the Worlds Without Number project

Hi @tekolote. I apologize for the delayed response (it's been challenging getting over a respiratory virus on my end). I'll mark you down and see what resources that Yilmas and I have, and send them your way.

Are you on the official Obsidian Discord, or the TTRPG Discord?

tekolote commented 1 year ago

I am in the ObsidianTTRPGVault Discord. I can join whichever is needed though

sigrunixia commented 1 year ago

I am in the ObsidianTTRPGVault Discord. I can join whichever is needed though

Alright, I think we are ready. I needed to readjust some big things in the repo, that, and understandably things have been hectic with the OGL the past few days. Go ahead and make a new issue, choose Conversion Project. Fill out the template to the best of your ability.

Yilmas's data is too intermixed in, but looking with how much help I am getting with Pathfinder 2E, It wont be long until I can turn my attention to helping you out with Worlds without Numbers should you desire it. Once you make the thread, I'll check in and see what your specifications are, and we'll go from there.

tekolote commented 1 year ago

I am in the ObsidianTTRPGVault Discord. I can join whichever is needed though

Alright, I think we are ready. I needed to readjust some big things in the repo, that, and understandably things have been hectic with the OGL the past few days. Go ahead and make a new issue, choose Conversion Project. Fill out the template to the best of your ability.

Yilmas's data is too intermixed in, but looking with how much help I am getting with Pathfinder 2E, It wont be long until I can turn my attention to helping you out with Worlds without Numbers should you desire it. Once you make the thread, I'll check in and see what your specifications are, and we'll go from there.

Thank you. I have created a new Issue. If anything in the template needs to be corrected please let me know

Yilmas commented 1 year ago

Pssst, it is still called "Stars Without Number" and not "Sectors Without Number"... sectors is an unofficial website that relates to Stars Without Number.

sigrunixia commented 1 year ago

Oh for the love of Pete, why do I keep thinking sectors!?!?!

snowmori commented 1 year ago

Hey! I'm curious about the status on the Stars/World Without Number project? I've started to work on it on my own and then realized I should probably see what others have done... I'd be happy to help where I can.

Yilmas commented 1 year ago

See here: https://github.com/Obsidian-TTRPG-Community/Obsidian-WWN-Markdown/issues/7