Occipital-Creation / primemeridian

GNU General Public License v3.0
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multi-dimensional manuscript #2

Closed Apostles1 closed 2 years ago

Apostles1 commented 2 years ago

architechture topology , truth depicted hieroglyphic hierarchy of intuitive conciousness

Apostles1 commented 2 years ago

proffesional services diochamy (biomech) of antology.2.embedded form of compliance to enterprise architecture,3. jurisprudemce 'holygrail' rural/urban, pipeline empiric fabric 4. authentic geographic hiroglyphic world depiction 'millenia' economics, liturgic creation lifesystem capital/economist theosiphy. concience of graphic varification . As a stage in depiction of the profficient 'occipital' cononical 'archeological decadence of world mapping in field if creation endeavors.

Apostles1 commented 2 years ago

repository -creation collective life endeavors of 'enterprise architecture', empiric ca0italism/anthropology.