OceanBioME / OceanBioME.jl

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(0.9.1) Move testing and docs to buildkite (+ minor GPU bug fix) #159

Closed jagoosw closed 10 months ago

jagoosw commented 10 months ago

I think I'll also move CPU testing and docs building to buildkite since it seems to be so much faster than GitHub actions

navidcy commented 10 months ago

Definitely. Go for it!

navidcy commented 10 months ago

Where do we set up the buildkite??

navidcy commented 10 months ago

if we'll have both CPU and GPU tests on buildkite then let's not call the buildkite pipeline gpu-tests

jagoosw commented 10 months ago

Yeah I've changed the name now.

I'm not sure how oceananigans has it in the repo but I'm setting it up here https://buildkite.com/oceanbiome-dot-jl/oceanbiome. I'll add you to the org.

jagoosw commented 10 months ago

Where do we set up the buildkite??

Also if you meant what is the host, we've now got a computer with an GPU that we can host the buildkite agent on.

navidcy commented 10 months ago

Where do we set up the buildkite??

Also if you meant what is the host, we've now got a computer with an GPU that we can host the buildkite agent on.

I was referring to any yml file we use to set up the buildkite pipeline?

jagoosw commented 10 months ago

I think you should be able to edit it here https://buildkite.com/oceanbiome-dot-jl/oceanbiome/settings/steps

jagoosw commented 10 months ago

Ah I just realised you can put it in the repo so I'll move it now I think you can add the config to the repo so I'll try now, but I'm not exactly sure how it works like that

navidcy commented 10 months ago

Let's ensure that Documenter has been set using appropriate ssh keys and what not so that it has rights to push before we merge.

jagoosw commented 10 months ago

Yeah definitely, I think it should be right now so hopefully it'll push a preview when it's done this time

navidcy commented 10 months ago

Let's ensure that Documenter has been set using appropriate ssh keys and what not so that it has rights to push before we merge.


jagoosw commented 10 months ago

I think I've worked it out now, I had to make a new environmental variable on the agent I think

navidcy commented 10 months ago

Seems that it worked!