OceanLabs / FacebookImagePicker-iOS

A Facebook image picker providing a simple UI for a user to pick photos from a users Facebook account. It provides an image picker interface that matches the iOS SDK's UIImagePickerController.
MIT License
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Adding the facebook photo unique id to OLFacebookImage #19

Closed jfradj closed 8 years ago

jfradj commented 8 years ago

Thanks for accepting this. I've just seen that you've accepted another request about the same feature addition before mine. The pull request was relaying on this method, which isn't used anymore.

kkarayannis commented 8 years ago

I believe the other pull request implemented the same in a different way and used the uid variable. Does that not work for you?

orenk86 commented 8 years ago

Hi, that pull request was mine. I have used a different property named photoId, and I noticed that it has been removed in the merges.

I can adapt my code and change the property name, but I believe that @jfradj 's code already offers the desired functionality...

kkarayannis commented 8 years ago

I've removed the unused method.