OceanLabs / FacebookImagePicker-iOS

A Facebook image picker providing a simple UI for a user to pick photos from a users Facebook account. It provides an image picker interface that matches the iOS SDK's UIImagePickerController.
MIT License
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Bizzarre linker errors if integrated in project without cocoa pods (old fashioned way) #6

Closed khanamir closed 9 years ago

khanamir commented 9 years ago

@dbotha My requirement is to display the chosen image in fullscreen so that the user could further confirm the selected image or cancel it (like the native image picker in iOS). I removed the pod for FacebookImagePicker-iOS from my project and tried to add it manually (added other depends including Facebook SDK and SDWebImage through pods), but doing so generates 6-7 duplicate symbol linker errors for all the constants defined in OLFacebookImagePickerConstants.h. Googled it, tried all the possible ways but can't get rid of errors.

Could you please help in this regard?

dbotha commented 9 years ago

@khanamir Oh sure, in the OLFacebookImagePickerConstants.h add "extern" to the front:

extern NSString *const kOLErrorDomainFacebookImagePicker;
extern const NSInteger kOLErrorCodeFacebookImagePickerBadResponse;
extern const NSInteger kOLErrorCodeFacebookImagePickerNoOpenSession;

Should do the trick. I'll fix this in the SDK

khanamir commented 9 years ago

thanks for the quick reply. Working Fine!

dbotha commented 9 years ago

Great :)

budhead commented 8 years ago

Can you update the repository and CocoaPods too? Now I have to fork or edit the cod inline which is not cool.