Closed famanson closed 5 years ago
The code we are using to show postcard checkout walk (by passing in an image and a message)
guard let job = OLPostcardPrintJob( templateId: "postcard", frontImageOLAsset: asset, message: textView.text ) else { return assertOrReport() } if let vc = OLKitePrintSDK.checkoutViewController(with: [job]) { self.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil) }
As a result, we are getting this error (this only happens on the newest version of the SDK 8.1.0):
Analytics: Error "Parsing error" happened. Properties: ["details": "DataTask: Bad data for Problem validating request. Additional properties are not allowed (\'message\' was unexpected)\n\nFailed validating \'additionalProperties\' in schema:\n {\'additionalProperties\': False,\n \'properties\': {\'assets\': {\'additionalProperties\': False,\n \'properties\': {\'back_image\': {\'oneOf\': [{\'type\': \'null\'},\n {\'type\': \'number\'},\n {\'format\': \'url\',\n \'type\': \'string\'}]},\n \'front_image\': {\'oneOf\': [{\'type\': \'null\'},\n {\'type\': \'number\'},\n {\'format\': \'url\',\n \'type\': \'string\'}]},\n \'message\': {\'type\': \'string\'}},\n \'required\': [\'front_image\'],\n \'type\': \'object\'},\n \'job_id\': {\'type\': \'string\'},\n \'multiples\': {\'minimum\': 1, \'type\': \'number\'},\n \'shipping_address\': {\'additionalProperties\': False,\n \'properties\': {\'country_code\': {\'maxLength\': 3,\n \'minLength\': 3,\n \'type\': \'string\'}},\n \'required\': [\'country_code\'],\n \'type\': \'object\'},\n \'shipping_class\': {\'type\': [\'integer\', \'string\']},\n \'template_id\': {\'maxLength\': 50, \'type\': \'string\'}},\n \'required\': [\'template_id\', \'assets\'],\n \'type\': \'object\'}\n\nOn instance:\n {\'assets\': {\'front_image\': 0},\n \'job_id\': \'1D06DF03-19A1-4093-A238-18BEE044336D\',\n \'message\': \'Test postcard\',\n \'multiples\': 1,\n \'shipping_class\': 1,\n \'template_id\': \'postcard\'}"]
this is a backend issue and was fixed independently of the SDK
The code we are using to show postcard checkout walk (by passing in an image and a message)
As a result, we are getting this error (this only happens on the newest version of the SDK 8.1.0):