OceanStreamIO / oceanstream

Oceanstream is a Python library which can be used as a CLI tool to process raw acoustic data from echosounders. It uses echopype as a backend. Developed at @pineviewlabs
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Optimizing Test Duration: Temporarily Ignoring Long-Running Tests with Pytest #107

Closed simedroniraluca closed 10 months ago

simedroniraluca commented 10 months ago

Due to the extended duration of certain tests, we've utilized @pytest.mark.ignore. Moving forward, we will need to either refactor these tests or improve the associated functions to reduce their execution time and avoid ignoring them.

ruxandra-valcu commented 10 months ago

This applies for the tests in shoal_detection_handler, which take about 3 min each on my machine. Interestingly, the tests in shoal_process, which use the same functionality being tested here, take 30 seconds each. One initial approach had been using pytext fixtures for the prepared dataset, but that only lowered the runtime by a few tens of seconds. Something strange appears to be happening here in the tests rather than the functions themselves....

ruxandra-valcu commented 10 months ago

Clearing off for now since we'll entirely rewrite the shoal detection function