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Kubernetes Cronjob to backup Neo4J #354

Closed Tirokk closed 4 years ago

Tirokk commented 4 years ago

roschaefer Authored by roschaefer Closed

We should depend on community edition because we cannot expect sb. who wants to host Human Connection to pay for Neo4J enterprise edition. The community edition has only offline backups available. We need to find a way to download a Neo4J dump regularly in order to avoid data loss.

Tirokk commented 4 years ago

roschaefer Authored by roschaefer

@mattwr18 why? This feature is not how to do backups but how to create backups regularly with a CronJob.

Tirokk commented 4 years ago

mattwr18 Authored by mattwr18

I didn't close this on purpose, I was in zenhub talking about it in our pairing session, and then I noticed it had been closed. not sure what happened

Tirokk commented 4 years ago

daumie Authored by daumie

@roschaefer I have worked with Kubernetes Cron Jobs Before, though I will need more clarification on where to store the data dump.

Tirokk commented 4 years ago

roschaefer Authored by roschaefer

@daumi from the slack channel #human-connection at Agile Ventures:

Robert Schäfer [10:01 PM] @ dominic hey Dominic, I saw your direct message, you asked where to store the neo4j backup for the kubernetes cronjob To me it is still unclear where the backup should be stored But I would assume we either upload it somewhere via scp or we use some cloud storage like S3 I know that there is a tool which does disaster recovery for kubernetes Called velero That's exactly what we need https://github.com/heptio/velero On-premise are fine too! I would just like to have a backup solution without a downtime https://docs.human-connection.org/human-connection/deployment/backup This is where we are right now: we're able to do offline backups so we have to start and stop the database But this procedure will not be a good solution if we e.g. want to do a backup before a deployment Having a downtime will not be accetable @ dominic is this understandable? Do you see where the pain is :slightly_smiling_face: ?