Trying to process ecoinvent 3.3 spold files fails due to changes in the nomenclature for IAI areas in the new dataset. I've added the following to the compatability list in
The updated test is also included in the latest commit
Coverage remained the same at 85.304% when pulling 3bbd7a8e56ce08ec43e14ed47ae12a41360a11b8 on pjamesjoyce:ecoinvent3_3_compatability into 649756b54c102c0fc5aeb02e5b7ddb573a2edcc5 on OcelotProject:master.
Trying to process ecoinvent 3.3 spold files fails due to changes in the nomenclature for IAI areas in the new dataset. I've added the following to the compatability list in
The updated test is also included in the latest commit