OciXCrom / ChatManager

Simple Chat Manager with Admin Prefixes and Color Chat.
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Advanced blocking of bad words, ads, etc. #13

Open TibyXD opened 3 years ago

TibyXD commented 3 years ago

First of all, I want to congratulate you for this plugin, it really is very good.

But it is missing this one feature: blocking bad words, ads, etc.

And I have an idea of making it work best:

For example, in order to block such a message: W W W [ . ] O_C_I-X-C_R_o_M { . } C O M you should remove any of the symbols and read the letters between. I think this would be a top feature, since many people who try to swear, promote other servers, etc. use these kind of symbols.

OciXCrom commented 3 years ago

There are plenty of plugins that do this already and you can use any one of them in conjuction with this one. I'm currently not active with AMXX development and I don't plan adding such an option in this plugin, at least for now.