when the Solver.Failure.status matches | Solver.Failure.Extern (path: Namespaced.t)
there does not seem to be enough information to report the location (line number, column) of the missing Extern path.
(More accurately, the line/col for one of the missing module references).
At best the pseudocodelet {Solver.input; _} = (i: 'a Solver.i) can be used to find the filename with Pkg.filename input.src.
In the following snippet:
when the
matches| Solver.Failure.Extern (path: Namespaced.t)
there does not seem to be enough information to report the location (line number, column) of the missing Extern path. (More accurately, the line/col for one of the missing module references).
At best the pseudocode
let {Solver.input; _} = (i: 'a Solver.i)
can be used to find the filename withPkg.filename input.src