Octal450 / J-Runner-with-Extras

Source code to the J-Runner with Extras executable. Requires the proper support files, package can be found in README
MIT License
248 stars 33 forks source link

DirtyPico360 #45

Closed ThisIsCheez closed 10 months ago

ThisIsCheez commented 10 months ago

This modification adds functionality for RaspberryPi Pico to flash glitch chips. It uses Pico-DirtyJtag firmware along with a newer build of UrJtag that supports LibUSB 1.0 and DirtyJtag.

The newer build of UrJtag, the needed dlls, the .uf2 for DirtyJtag, and the most recent copy of Zadig for installing the libusb-win32 driver can be found in common/dirtypico.

Octal450 commented 10 months ago

Thanks! I will check this out in December as I am away from consoles right now.

Kind Regards, Josh