Octanis1 / Octanis1-Mainboard-Firmware_MSP_EXP432P401RLP

Octanis 1 Rover Basic Firmware Testing on the MSP432 Launchpad
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Process MAVLink COMMANDs sent from APM Planner #19

Closed bitmorse closed 8 years ago

bitmorse commented 8 years ago

Mainboard must be able to respond to MAVLink commands to ARM or DISARM the autopilot. In addition to this it must forward the MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN to the UART0. http://qgroundcontrol.org/mavlink/mission_interface

bitmorse commented 8 years ago

relevant functions for this task: mavlink_msg_command_ack mavlink_msg_command_int mavlink_msg_command_long

traffael commented 8 years ago

mavlink_msg_command_ack and mavlink_msg_command_long done for the necessary cases.

Do we really need to listen to mavlink_msg_command_int ?

bitmorse commented 8 years ago

arm / disarm works. do the commands work or are they too long?