OctoMap / octomap

An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees. Contains the main OctoMap library, the viewer octovis, and dynamicEDT3D.
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Could not generate key for origin #230

Open Raisintoe opened 5 years ago

Raisintoe commented 5 years ago


I am using Octomap in ROS, What does this error message mean? "Could not generate key for origin"?

I get this error when I set the octomap_server's frame_id to "world" which is my global map frame. I do not get this error when I set octomap_server's frame_id to "camera_link" which frame is static in relation to the pointcloud2 depth data, sent from the camera to octomap_server.

I believe there might be an issue with depth data update rates. The rate for tf frames is 10Hz. The depth camera update rate may be different, possibly slower, would this cause the error that I am getting from octomap_server?


Kin-Zhang commented 4 months ago

I encounter this problem because of the sensor origin is too far away. Related question also could be found here: https://answers.ros.org/question/313166/octomap_server-error-could-not-generate-key-for-origin/

int scaled_coord =  ((int) floor(resolution_factor * coordinate)) + tree_max_val;

Here default tree_max_val is int(65535/2).